Anissava Miltenova

Anissava Miltenova is Professor, Dr. Habil. and Chair of the Department of Old Bulgarian Literature in the Institute of literature, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences. Recent and current research areas: text transmission in the Slavia Orthodoxa; typology of the macrostructure of Medieval Slavic Miscellanies; florilegia; apocrypha, Repertorium of the Balkan Cyrillic Manuscripts (encoding with computer tools). Since 1994 she coordinated several projects on computer processing of medieval Slavic manuscripts (joint with Pittsburgh University, USA; University of Gothenburg, Sweden; British Library, London, England; Institute of Russian language, Moscow, etc.).

Prof., Dsc. Institute for Literature, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Sofia, Bulgaria

In memoriam Петя Янева (1957–2024)

In memoriam Petya Yaneva (1957–2024)

  • Summary/Abstract

    On August 6, 2024, we lost a notable specialist in the field of Byzantine studies and Paleo-Slavic studies Petya Yaneva, DSc, professor at the Department of Classical Philology at the Faculty of Classical and Modern Philology at the Sofia University “St. Kliment Ohridski”. For more than 10 years, she was a member of the editorial board of the Scripta & e-Scripta annual and contributed immensely to the high professional level of the publication. She especially supported the participation of young specialists with publications and their growth in the field of translated medieval literature.

    Subject: Personalia

Текущ българо-австрийски проект за проучване на ръкопис Зограф 105 и неговия фрагмент № 3070

The current Bulgarian-Austrian project on the investigations of the manuscript Zograf No. 105 and its fragment No. 3070

Multiple Translations of Small Paraenetic Genres in Slavic Miscellanies and Their Byzantine Sources

Анисава Милтенова, Анета Димитрова. Многократните преводи на малките паренетични жанрове в славянски ръкописи и техните византийски източници

  • Summary/Abstract

    The article explores the development of the genre kephalaia in the history of medieval Bulgarian literature, especially the changes of its context in the miscellanies in the 10th c. and later in the 13th–14th c. Paraenetic works by many patristic authors, usually presented as short wise sayings in groups of 100 (centuriae), were translated, excerpted, revised, and translated again – a century-long tradition preserved in many Slavic manuscripts. The survey is focused on two works in this genre – Capita de oratione (CPG 2452) by Evagrius of Pontus and Centuriae iv de caritate et continentia (CPG 7848) by Thalassius of Libya. They were first introduced into the Slavic literatures in the early 10th c., and with the development of monasticism and the rise of Hesychasm, their renewed and revised translations were included in the monastic miscellanies from the 14th c. onwards. The linguistic comparison of the versions of the two texts reveals the connections and the differences between them. The analysis of their respective contexts in several manuscripts shows the continuity between the literary traditions of the early and the later period of Slavic literatures.

Prof. William Veder Turns 80 Scripta & e-Scripta vol. 22, 2022 floyd Tue, 08/16/2022 - 14:15
Уйлям Федер на 80 години

This year we are celebrating the 80th birthday of Prof. William Veder, a well- known Dutch Slavist and scholar of Bulgarian studies, a specialist in textology and palaeo-Slavic studies and an author of more than 200 publications. Prof. Veder was born in Amsterdam and after the completion of his secondary education in Berkeley, USA (1960) and Berlin (1961), he graduated with a degree in Slavic philology from Utrecht University (1971). Since early on, he showed a particular interest in Bulgarian literature (Meesters der Bulgaarse vertelkunst. Amsterdam: Meulenhoff, 1971).

Subject: Personalia Anniversary Keywords: William Veder

In Memoriam Keiko Mitani 1957–2022

In memoriam Кейко Митани

  • Summary/Abstract

    On January 17, 2022 Keiko Mitani, а prominent representative of Japan Palaeoslavistics, who contributed greatly to the development of the contemporary history of the Old Church Slavonic, Russian, Croatian and Old Bulgarian passed away. Keiko Mitani was born in 1957 in Tokyo. She received a bachelor’s degree in Russian Language and Russian Literature, from the Faculty of Letters, the University of Tokyo (1981) and an MA degree in the same subject from the Graduate School of Humanities, University of Tokyo (March 1983). Keiko Mitani continued her research work during her doctoral studies at the Graduate School of Humanities (April 1983 – March 1989). At that time she was able to study Croatian and Slavic literatures in the Balkan context at the Faculty of Philosophy, University of Zagreb (October 1986 – September 1988) under the supervision of Professor Stjepan Damjanović (of the Croatian Academy of Sciences and Arts). In 1990 she got the position of Research Associate at the University of Tokyo, Faculty of Letters (Russian Language and Literature), and later – Lecturer at the Department of Literature and Linguistics, University of Tsukuba (1993) where she was Assistant Professor (1997). Developing active research and teaching activities she became an Associate Professor at Kyoto University, Graduate School of Human and Environmental Studies (1999), and Professor (2005). In 2013 she was a Professor at the University of Tokyo, Graduate School of Humanities and Sociology (Department of Slavic Languages and Literatures). Her rese

    Keywords: Keiko Mitani

Cynthia Vakareliyska аt 70

Синтия Вакарелийска на 70 години

  • Summary/Abstract

    Cynthia Vakareliyska is a remarkable scholar who has significantly contributed to the fields of mediaeval Slavonic studies and the history of the Slavic languages. She was born in New Haven, Connecticut, USA. In 1973 she became BA in Russian magna cum laude at Princeton University and in 1976 received the degree of J.D. from the School of Law at Columbia University. For five years (1985–1990) she was a Teaching Fellow at the Department of Slavic Languages and Literatures at Harvard University, where in 1990 she obtained a Ph.D. in Slavic Languages and Literatures. In 1986 she was awarded the Certificate of Distinction in Teaching by the Danforth Institute at Harvard University. Later she worked as Assistant Professor in Russian at Georgetown University (1990–1994) and Assistant Professor in Slavic Linguistics (1994–1997) at the University of Oregon, Eugene, where she became Associate Professor in Slavic Linguistics (1997–1998), Associate Professor of Linguistics (1998–2008) and from 2008 to 2018 she was Professor of Linguistics in the Department of Linguistics at that university, and since 2018 Professor Emerita. She read courses on Old Church Slavonic, historical phonology of the Slavic languages, computer collation of mediaeval Slavic Menologies, the structure of Lithuanian and Russian, neuro- and gender linguistics.

Anatolij Turilov at 70

Анатолий Турилов на 70 години

  • Summary/Abstract

    The Russian historian, manuscript specialist and Slavonic mediaevalist Anatoly Turilov has earned a classic reputation in the field of research into mediaeval Slavonic manuscripts and Slavonic literatures. Born in Yaroslavl’ in 1951, Turilov graduated from the Faculty of History of Moscow State University, specialising in the study of primary sources (1973). He was a doctoral student at the Institute of Slavonic and Balkan Studies (1973–1976). Turilov worked as a senior librarian at the Manuscript Department of the Lenin Library (now the Russian State Library) in Moscow (1977–1979). In 1980 he successfully defended his dissertation on the topic of „Болгарские и сербские источники по средневековой истории Балкан в русской книжности конца ХІV– первой четверти ХVІ вв.“ This continued to be a leading topic throughout his academic career. Turilov worked as a research associate and a senior research associate at the Archaeographic Commission of the Academy of Sciences of the Soviet Union, today the Russian Academy of Sciences. Turilov currently holds the position of research associate at the Institute of Slavonic Studies.

    Keywords: Anatolij Turilov

In memoriam Francis J. Thomson (1935–2021)

In memoriam Франсис Дж. Томсън (1935–2021)

  • Summary/Abstract

    Professor Francis J. Thomson, one of the most remarkable scholars in the field of the Byzantine and Slavonic cultures, passed away on 21 May 2021. A medievalist with an outstanding erudition and intellectual rigor, he shaped the studies of medieval Slavonic written cultures in the last six decades.

    Keywords: Francis J. Thomson

The Independent Transmission of Chapter 21 of the Slavic De hominis opificio in Codex Mosquensis, Russian State Archive 88 (Obolensky collection 201)

Независима трансмисия на глава 21 от славянския превод на De hominis opificio в ръкопис № 88 (колекция Оболенски 201), Руски държавен архив, Москва

  • Summary/Abstract

    The paper discusses the newly discovered fragment (No. 88, Russian State Archive of Ancient Acts, Obolensky collection f. 201, first decades of 16th c.) of Gregory of Nyssa’s De hominis opificio in Slavonic translation. It also offers an edition of the text in parallel with its Greek source, an English translation with references and biblical quotations, the Slavonic archetype, and the text of the same fragment in No. 1032, National Library in Sofia.

    Независима трансмисия на глава 21 от славянския превод на De hominis opificio в ръкопис № 88 (колекция Оболенски 201), Руски държавен архив, Москва

    Анисава Милтенова
    (Институт за литература при БАН, София, България)
    Лара Селс
    (Католически университет в Льовен, Белгия)

    Статията разглежда новооткрит фрагмент от славянския превод на съчинението De Hominis opificio от Григорий Нисийски в ръкопис № 88 (колекция Оболенски № 201) в Руския държавен архив за древни актове, от първите десетилетия на ХVІ в. Прави се първоначална характеристика на съдържанието на ръкописа. Публикацията включва също издание на текста паралелно с гръцкия му източник, превод на английски език с препратки и библейски цитати, текст на славянския архетип и текст на същия фрагмент в ръкопис НБКМ № 1032 от 1553 г., писан от Висарион Дебърски. Текстологията позволява да се направят изводи за връзките на състава на ръкопис № 88 с атонската традиция.

New Late Church Slavonic Version of the Revelation of Methodius Patarensis

Терминология в палеославистике и создание сети между существующими цифровыми корпусами

Terminology in Palaeoslavistics and Set up Networking between Existing Digital Corpora

Text and Context: Story about the Handsome Joseph in the Miscellanies with Mixed Content

Jan Stradomski. Rękopisy i teksty. Studia nad cerkiewnosłowiańską kulturą literacką Wielkiego Księstwa Litewskiego i Korony Polskiej do końca XVI wieku. [Krakowsko-Wileńskie studia slawistyczne. T. 10.] Kraków 2014

Jan Stradomski. Manuscripts and texts. Church Slavonic studies of the literary culture of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania and Polish crown to the end of the sixteenth century. [Cracow-Vilnius Slavic studies. T. 10.] Krakow 2014

Heinz Miklas and Jürgen Fuchsbauer. Die kirchenslavische Übersetzung der Dioptra des Philippos Monotropos. Bd. 1. Überlieferung Text der Programmata..

  • Summary/Abstract

    Reviews / Heinz Miklas and Jürgen Fuchsbauer. Die kirchenslavische Übersetzung der Dioptra des Philippos Monotropos. Bd. 1. Überlieferung Text der Programmata und des ersten Buches. Wien: Verlag Holzhausen, 2013, 409 p. ISBN: 978-3-902868-79-4

Vasya Velinova. The Middle Bulgarian Translation of the Chronicle of Constantine Manasses and Its Literary Context. [History and Derivatives]. Sofia..

  • Summary/Abstract

    Reviews / Vasya Velinova. The Middle Bulgarian Translation of the Chronicle of Constantine Manasses and Its Literary Context. [History and Derivatives]. Sofia, St. Kliment Ohridski Publishing House, 2013, 276 pages.

Towards the History of Paraenetic Literature: Hilandar MS 382

  • Summary/Abstract

    An insufficiently studied monastic florilegium survives in the parchment manuscript No. 382 from the collection of the Hilandar Monastery on Mount Athos. The manuscript is dated to the end of the 13th– beginning of the 14th centu. It was written with Raška orthography, with traces of an earlier Old Church Slavonic protograph. The book was made up of two separate manuscripts (fols. 1–197 and fols. 198–259) with separate pagination of quires. The text of the first part was written in two columns by one scribe. The second manuscript (fol. 198 till the end) is a copy of the so-called Zlatostruj of Tsar Symeon. In the first part of the manuscript (on fols. 1–67) there are texts enumerated from 1 to 154 that are attributed to many authors (by name, if mentioned at all, as most are anonymous): John Chrysostom, Basil of Caesarea, Maximos the Confessor, Hypatios of Ephesus, Hippolytus of Rome, Аnastasios of Jerusalem, Gregory of Nyssa, Pseudo-Palladios, Ephrem the Syrian, Isidore of Pelousion, Theodore the Studite, and others. The article presents results from text-critical analysis of some translated into Old Church Slavonic works in the first part of this manuscript, the study of which is largely due to the kindly provided materials to the author in Hilandar Research Center (Columbus, Ohio, United States). In particular, the following texts are examined 1) Moscow florilegium (Florilegium Mosquense) (fols. 60c–64c); 2) A collection of admonitory aphorisms for moral perfection, in Greek alphabetic order (fols. 64C–66d); 3) Instruction on the gratitude to God and the prayer (fols. 66d–67b); 4) Instruction on the Ten Commandments, only fragments of which are found in Hilandar 382 (fols. 67b–67c-d, no ending); 5) A collection of wise sayings allegedly authored by Nilus of Sinai, a fragment in Hilandar 382 (fols. 59a–60c). The study identifies their Byzantine archetypes, characterizes translation techniques and traces back the transmission of the texts from the time of their creation (probably the middle or second half of the 10th century) to the end of the 16th century.

Owning the Byzantine Literary Tradition: Balkan Adaptation and Transformation Scripta & e-Scripta vol. 10-11, 2012 floyd Wed, 12/26/2012 - 12:14

The process of Byzantine intellectual influence on the newly baptized Slavic states has attracted considerable scholarly attention. However, the question of the remodelling of Byzantine literary traditions in the course of their transmission to the Slavs awaits a comprehensive study. Our paper focuses on literary genres and particular texts which undergo changes in their generic characteristics and function when translated into Slavonic. We analyse the appearance of hybrid literary forms unknown in Byzantium as well as the refashioning of the cults of certain saints and the texts related to them. Special attention is paid to historical-apocalyptic literature, to some short narrative forms, and apocrypha (translations and compilations). Observations are also made regarding the tradition of Holy Foolery, which undergoes a variety of transformations in different cultures. A key illustration is St Andrew the Fool for Christ’s sake, whose Byzantine Life is not only translated several times into Slavonic but is also remodelled into a constellation of texts: didactic, apocalyptic, questions and answers, etc. Our principal goal is to trace the causes of the rethinking of the well-established and authoritative Byzantine tradition, looking into inter-textual and extra-textual reasons for the transformations.

Subject: Literary Texts Rethinking of the Byzantine tradition Historical and apocalyptic literature Life of St Andrew the Fool for Christ’s sake

Georgi Petkov at 70

  • Summary/Abstract

    Georgi Petkov is a Professor, Doctor of Sciences at the University “Paisij Xilendarski”, Plovdiv. He is working in the fields of the medieval Slavonic literature, Slavonic textology, Byzantine-Bulgarian translations, archeography and history of Old Bulgarian manuscripts. He also has remarkable contributions to comparative research of medieval Serbian, Wallachian, Moldavian and Russian literature, as well as documents of the period of Bulgarian and Balkan Revival.

Slovo: Towards a Digital Library of South Slavic Manuscripts Research Cooperation and Networking between Austria and South-Eastern Europe Scripta & e-Scripta vol 6, 2008 floyd Fri, 12/26/2008 - 08:54

Project (2007-2008), funded by the Austrian ministry of science in the 7FP, united scientists from Austria, Slovenia, Serbia, Macedonia and Bulgaria. Coordination of the project is concentrated in the Department of Old Bulgarian Literature of the Institute of Literature, BAS. Participants from five countries have established operational network between research institutions and libraries aimed at studying the Balkan monastery culture and presentation of South Slavic culture and literature in comparative perspective. During the project (February 2008) training is implemented in the use of international standards for description and analysis of the written heritage (principles and methods, terminology, etc.) Results: 1). Establishing a common platform for electronic publications in Cyrillic and Glagolitic alphabet (Unicode 5.1); 2). Supporting an international conference with participants from 10 countries; 3). The most important result of the project was the creation of experimental electronic portal on the Internet for medieval written culture in the Balkans ( ). The project created an initial basis for collaboration and for further development of study, conservation and exhibition of Slavic heritage in digital libraries.

Subject: Language and Literature Studies Research project Mediaeval studies

Metadata and Electronic Catalogs of Slavic Manuscripts: A Multilingual Web-based Terminological Resource for Mediaeval Slavic Studies

  • Summary/Abstract

    В Секторe древнеболгарской литературы, Институт литературы Болгарской академии наук, в последнных лет (2004–07) развивается проект, который предназначен для машинной обработки палеославистичной терминологии. Эта терминология используется на разных уровнях при создании электронных описаний славянских рукописей в информационный массив “Реперториум”. Информационный массив содержит около 300 описаний славянских рукописей ХІ–ХVІІ вв. в XML формате. Компьютерное описание рукописей делается по модели, созданой на базисе TEI и развивался в последние десять лет в следующих направлениях: 1) стандартизирование терминологии описания; 2) орфография, палеография и язык древних памятников; 3) схемы описания и обработки отдельных типов сборников; 4) означения и идентификации отдельных текстов памятников письменности, их текстологическrх приметах и греческих соответствий. Настоящее изложение охватывает два основных аспекта проекта: Стандартизация терминологии, которая встречается как идентификация наименования конкретных текстов (статей) в описываемых рукописей, т.е. современные научные названия литургических и внелитургических текстов (жития, поучения, наставления, хождения и пр.). Эти названия различаются в разных славянских и неславянских языках и в разных научных традициях. До сих пор рабочий коллектив уточнил de visu более чем 800 заглавия средневековых славянских текстов, идентифицировал их параллели в существующих латинских и греческих источниках. Цель докладчика показать как возможно сделать синхронный словарь этих названий и как можно пользоватся автоматически этим справочником. Предлагается система поиска научного заглавия, оригинального заглавия и начало текста, которая включена в проект Repertorium Workstation проф. Дейвида Бирнбаума из Питсбурге, США. Археографическое, палеографическое, текстологическое и лингвистическое описание текстов предполагает изпользование соответствующей терминологии, которая нуждается в уточнении и стандартизации, сравнивая ее употребления в разных школ палеославистики. Докладчик предлагает несколько общих признаков, по которым можно интегрировать метаданные в описание средневековых рукописей и создать систему ключевых слов, которые возможно применить в библиографических примечаниях. Проект включает демонстрацию работы системы индексов в информационном корпус “Реперториум” и связанный с ним энциклопедический справочник терминологии.

Personalia: Elena Tomova at 60

  • Summary/Abstract

    Elena Tomova is a senior researcher at the Department of Old Bulgarian Lit-erature, Institute of Literature, and Bulgarian Academy of Sciences and a member of the Union of Scholars in Slovenia. She is working in the fields of theory and history of medieval Bulgarian, Russian, and Serbian literatures, medieval Slavonic hagiography and paleography, and computer supported processing of Slavonic manuscripts. Elena Tomova was born in Plovdiv (1947) where she finished elementary and high school. She graduated at Sofia University, Russian and Bulgarian Philology in the Faculty of Slavic Studies (1965–1969). She received her PhD degree in 1977 in Moscow University, Russia, under the supervision of Prof. N.I. Kravcov. Her dissertation is entitled Comparative study of the vitas of St. John of Rila, St. Theodosius of Pecera, and St. Stephan Neman’ja and their relation to folklore. She participated very actively in various initiates and publications in the In-stitute of Literature BAS. Elena Tomova is a scholar with very wide and multilateral approach to the Slavic written heritage. In the Department of Old Bulgarian Literature she directed a few projects in comparative studies of South Slavic and Balkan literatures

Scripta & e-Scripta - The Journal of Interdisciplinary Medieval Studies Scripta & e-Scripta vol 1, 2003 floyd Wed, 10/08/2003 - 15:44

Aim and Scope; Regularity; Journal Contents; Editorial Board

Subject: Review
Informations Scripta & e-Scripta vol 1, 2003 floyd Wed, 10/08/2003 - 13:53 Subject: Informations
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