Терминология в палеославистике и создание сети между существующими цифровыми корпусами
Terminology in Palaeoslavistics and Set up Networking between Existing Digital Corpora

- Author(s): Anissava Miltenova
- Subject(s): Ontology of terms // Palaeoslavistic // Computer technologies // Standardization of formats // XML approach // Language studies // Language and Literature Studies // Theoretical Linguistics // Applied Linguistics // Studies of Literature // Computational linguistics // Bulgarian Literature // South Slavic Languages // Philology //
Published by: Institute for Literature BAS
- Print ISSN: 1312-238X
- Summary/Abstract:
The paper discusses problems and points of view related to set up networking between Scripta Bulgarica project (http://www.scripta-bulgarica.eu/bg), Repertorium of Old Bulgarian literature and letters (http://repertorium.obdurodon.org/), and also other corpuses (e.g. Codex Suprasliensis from the 10th century: http://suprasliensis.obdurodon.org/, etc.) for further improvement of linking between data bases. The proposed networking will connect transcribed texts with terminology in palaeoslavistics, and other on-line resources, such as electronic editions of individual sites, electronic dictionaries, encyclopedias, bibliographic arrays and so on. The networking will decided a number of problems that can not yet solve in a satisfactory way. The results will be useful not only for the palaeoslavists but also for librarians, teachers, and students, representatives of mass media and the general public interested in Slavic literacy.
Journal: Scripta & e-Scripta vol. 18, 2018
Page Range: 50-64
No. of Pages: 14
Language: Russian - LINK CEEOL: https://www.ceeol.com/search/article-detail?id=690144
Anissava MiltenovaBulgariaProf., Dsc. Institute for Literature, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Sofia, BulgariaDescription
Anissava Miltenova is Professor, Dr. Habil. and Chair of the Department of Old Bulgarian Literature in the Institute of literature, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences. Recent and current research areas: text transmission in the Slavia Orthodoxa; typology of the macrostructure of Medieval Slavic Miscellanies; florilegia; apocrypha, Repertorium of the Balkan Cyrillic Manuscripts (encoding with computer tools). Since 1994 she coordinated several projects on computer processing of medieval Slavic manuscripts (joint with Pittsburgh University, USA; University of Gothenburg, Sweden; British Library, London, England; Institute of Russian language, Moscow, etc.).
SUBJECT: Ontology of terms // Palaeoslavistic // Computer technologies // Standardization of formats // XML approach // Language studies // Language and Literature Studies // Theoretical Linguistics // Applied Linguistics // Studies of Literature // Computational linguistics // Bulgarian Literature // South Slavic Languages // Philology //KEYWORDS: