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Basic Requirements

The file must be in the MS Word (doc, docx) or OpenOffice Writer (odt) format.

The length of the article must not exceed 55,000 characters (including spaces and punctuation); an exception is made for articles consisting of the edition, with a substantial amount of Old Church Slavonic and Greek text.

All fonts must be embedded in the document. For Old Greek and Greek we recommend Unicode fonts (i.e. Palatino Linotype or Times New Roman).

For Old Slavic the accepted font is Bukyvede.

In the case of any copyright graphics and illustrations (photographs, drawings, maps, tables, graphs, etc.), the source of the material must be provided; the form of the acknowledgement must be agreed with the owner of the material. Furthermore, the copyright holder and the type of reproduction license must also be acknowledged.

Information about the funding of a study could be provided in the first footnote.

The file size must be kept under 50 MB.

The accepted languages of the papers are English, German, French and Russian; in highly exceptional cases articles in other languages have to be translated.

•    Font: Times New Roman, 12 pt, justified
•    Line spacing: 1.5
•    Section titles: boldface, aligned left
•    Page margins: left, right and upper 2.5 cm; bottom 3.5 cm
•    Footnotes: Insert Footnote, continuous numbering, 10 pt font

The first page of the manuscript must contain:

•    the title: Bold, 14 pt; the author/s name/s, Italic, 12 pt, all aligned right;
•    abstract in English at the beginning of the text (not exceeding 200 words) and keywords in English (maximum 7) are obligatory.

The reference section at the end of the text: capital letters, 12 pt, Italic, aligned left (REFERENCES).  the references may be preceded by a list of abbreviations if different from the general list in the journal, and/or a list of sources/ manuscripts, used or referred to in the paper.

At the end of the paper a section About the author …/Об авторе … is included, 12 pt, Italic, hanging; it should include a brief paragraph with up-to-date information about the author and his/ her affiliation, specialization and field of study.

A summary of no more than 600 words should be added, in one of the accepted languages but different from that of the paper.

Illustrations, for which 300 dpi resolution is required, must be sent separately, numbered and accompanied by a List of Illustrations.

Tables and graphics must be inserted in the manuscript file; the resolution for the graphics must be 300 dpi.

Foreign words (like Latin, Greek, Bulgarian, etc.) in the running text must be italicised. Titles of books, journals, anthologies, proceedings of conferences must be rendered in italics, whereas the titles of the papers in the journals must be placed in quotation marks.

The authors must use the following abbreviations:

•    c.: century
•    ed./eds.: editor/s
•    f./ff.: folio/folia (f. 1r, f. 1v – for manuscripts)
•    p./pp.: page/s
•    vol.: volume

When referring to a publication by two or three authors, the short form of citation/ reference must be formatted as follows: (Stancev and Naumov 2005); when there are more than three authors, the reference is: (Miklas et al. 2010). All the authors’ names must be included in the REFERENCES.
In case of multiple authors with the same surname, the reference includes the initial of their first name, e.g. (Ivanova, K. 1999, Ivanova, M. 2013). In case of multiple publications in the same year by the same author, the citation must include a letter (Ivanova  1997a; Ivanova 1997b).

Quotation and citation

Quotations must be put in quotation marks; should the quotation exceed 40 words, it must be set apart as included in a separate paragraph.
In-text citation is possible and following the format  (Miltenova 2000a, 2000b; Miltenova 2006: 35). Please note that only references that contain additional information or comments (also, e.g., See Veder 2014:2) should be placed in the footnotes.

Manuscript shelfmarks

Manuscript shelfmarks should be preceded by the abbreviation of the repository (e.g. BAV Vat. gr. 345). Please, look at the List of abbreviations in the journal. When the official name of an institution is in Cyrillic, authors may use either its Latin transcription or the officially used abbreviation of the English name of the institution, e.g. RNB/RNL Q.п.І.3; if different, use the original name of the institution transcribed. The use of an English translation of a name/abbreviation that is not officially recognized is not recommended (e.g. Church Historical and Archival Institute / CHAI – better use, not CIAI for Cǎrkoven Istoriko-archiven Institut).


The sources in the Reference section, 11 pt, hanging, must be listed in alphabetical order but split up into two sections under the headers Sources and Literature. Within each section, the abbreviated reference (name of the author and year) with the Latin alphabet is the leading one. This applies to the titles of both the Latin alphabet and the Cyrillic, Greek and other alphabets  (Georgian, Armenian, etc.). All titles in other alphabets will be transliterated by the editors in the Roman alphabet at the bottom of the list (following ), in a section within [ ] brackets.

References in full

Spatharakis 1976: Spatharakis, Ioannis. The Portrait in Byzantine Illuminated Manuscripts. Leiden: Brill, 1976.
Kolias 1988: Kolias, Taxiarchis. Byzantinische Waffen (Byzantina Vindobonensia, 17). Wien: Verlag der Österreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften, 1988.

Nelson 1991, 1–2: Nelson, Robert. Theodore Hagiopetrites, A Late Byzantine Scribe and Illuminator. Vol. 1–2. Wien: Verlag der Österreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften, 1991.

Veder 1994: Veder, William R., transl., with introd. by W. Veder and A. Turilov. The Edificatory Prose of Kievan Rus’ (Harvard Library of Early Ukrainian Literature, VI), Harvard: University Press, 1994.
Article in an edited volume:
Thomson 1998: Thomson, Francis J. “The Slavonic Translation of the Old Testament.” In Interpretation of the Bible. The International Symposium in Slovenia. Sheffield: Sheffield Academic Press, 1988, 605–920.
Article in a journal:
Lunt 1985: Lunt, Horace. “The OCS Song of Songs: One Translation or Two?” Die Welt der Slaven 2 (1985), 279–318.
Минчева 1989: Минчева, Ангелина. “За виенския препис на Песен на песните (в Cod. slav. 14 на Австрийската национална библиотека).” Pbg 2 (1989), 3–22.

Electronic publication:

Menardos 1909: Menardos, Simos, D. Ph., LL.D. The Value of Byzantine and Modern Greek in Hellenic Studies. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1909 - <accessed 29.11.2020>.
Madden 2006: Empire of Gold: A History of Byzantine Empire. Written by Thomas F. Madden, narrated by Paul Hecht. Recorded Books Audio, Jan 1, 2006.

Мусакова 2014: Мусакова, Елисавета. „Изследователят читател на Добрейшовото евангелие.“ Littera et lingua. Електронно списание за хуманитаристика 3 (2014) – <accessed 29.11.2020>. 
Hayes and Hayes 2019: Hayes, Daphne M. and Jeffrey Hayes. “The Norman Sicily Project: A Digital Portal to Sicily’s Norman Past.” Digital Medievalist 12/1 (2019), 3 – <accessed 29.11.2020>.


Choi 2008: Choi, Mihwa. Contesting ‘Imaginaires’ in Death Rituals during the Northern Song Dynasty. PhD diss., University of Chicago, 2008.
Радославова 2011: Радославова, Диляна. Репертоарът на българските ръкописни паметници от ХVІІ век като източник за проучване на книжовните средища. Дисертация, ОНС “доктор”. Институт за литература, БАН, 2011.