Dimitri Afinogenov. Mnogosložnyj svitok: The Slavonic Letter of the Three Patriarchs to Emperor Theophilos. Collége de France – CNRS. Centre de Recherche d‘Histoire et Civilisation de Byzance. Monographies 41. Paris, 2014, 239 pp.

Language studies, Language and Literature Studies, Review, General Reference Works, Theoretical Linguistics, Studies of Literature, Philology, Translation Studies
Anissava Miltenova is Professor, Dr. Habil. and Chair of the Department of Old Bulgarian Literature in the Institute of literature, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences. Recent and current research areas: text transmission in the Slavia Orthodoxa; typology of the macrostructure of Medieval Slavic Miscellanies; florilegia; apocrypha, Repertorium of the Balkan Cyrillic Manuscripts (encoding with computer tools). Since 1994 she coordinated several projects on computer processing of medieval Slavic manuscripts (joint with Pittsburgh University, USA; University of Gothenburg, Sweden; British Library, London, England; Institute of Russian language, Moscow, etc.).
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