
Ефективност на генерични модели HTR за историческа кирилица и глаголица: Сравнение на средства

Performance of Generic HTR Models on Historical Cyrillic and Glagolitic: Comparison of Engines

Способы демонстрции данных славянского исторического полнотекстового корпуса “Манускрипт”

Data Demonstration Techniques in Slavonic Historical Text Corpus “Manuscript”

  • Summary/Abstract

    The article discusses theoretical and practical issues of creating tools for demonstrating medieval Slavonic text corpus at the “Manuscript” website (http:// The specific features of the historical corpus and its sources are: the limited number of manuscripts, variability of medieval graphics and orthography, complex structure, and composition of original documents. They require special instruments and techniques for data preparation (information about a text and its physical media, analytical tagging of fragments, variability, and other), and visualization of data sampling, including texts. The article focuses on the ways of solving two opposite tasks: the texts’ demonstration in a form as close as possible to the original and their simplified form, and, consequently, the possibilities of their transformation. The first task should be solved by preparing a transcription via a specialized editing tool, which interacts with the full-text database with a complete set of required characters, text formatting, and make-up to fit the original page. To solve the second problem, analytical tagging (chapters and verses, authors of texts, structure of manuscript, main text and marginalia, and so forth) and linguistic tagging (including lemmatization) are performed to make data search and data transformation available when displayed. The latter allows users to see a text in modern Cyrillic or Latin, syllables, meaning of analytical fragments, links between the main text and its marginalia, and so forth. The ability to data search based on deep tagging and the digital edition (LIM, MS 37, 13th c., 291 f.) which has been included in the “Manuscript” historical corpus (

Най-ранното свидетелство за Лествицата

The Earliest Attestation of the Lěstvica

  • Summary/Abstract

    The earliest attestation of the Slavonic translation of the Scala Paradisi is not furnished by the excerpts in the Simeonov Sbornik, but by those in the Scaliger Patericon, which can reliably be dated before the removal of library resources from Pliska to Preslav, i.e. ‘after 887 but before 893’. It contains 59 excerpts (ca. 1210 words) from twelve chapters (1 through 30), which provide a convenient base to examine the relationship of versions a and b of the translation. Both versions have protographs written in Glagolitic, which discredits the claim that version b be a 14th century Athonite work. Both versions vary in 21%, but share 79% of the text, i.e. one of them served as an exemplar for the other. The proposal to consider a co–author of 21% is based on the following: a corrects deficiencies in b, but b not in a; recurrent variation shows patterning in a, not in b; a is ignorant of Cyrillo–Methodian monastic terminology. The most probable dating of a is to ‘before 887’ and of b correspondingly to ‘before a’.

К истории древнеболгарского часослова

Toward the History of the Early Bulgarian Horologion

Текущ българо-австрийски проект за проучване на ръкопис Зограф 105 и неговия фрагмент № 3070

The current Bulgarian-Austrian project on the investigations of the manuscript Zograf No. 105 and its fragment No. 3070

Житие на Стефан Лазаревич: принос към изследването на ръкописната традиция

The Life of Stefan Lazarevic: A Contribution to the Study of the Manuscript Tradition

Славянски превод на Охридския хрисовул от 1273 г.

A Slavic translation of the Ohrid Chrysobull of 1273

Притчи Соломонови в славянския ръкопис № 105 от Зографския манастир

Proverbs of Solomon in the Slavic Manuscript No 105 from the Zograf Monastery

Книга пророк Даниил, включена в Хрониката на Йоан Зонара, № 105 от манастира Зограф (предварителни бележки)

The Book of Daniel, included in the Chronicle of Johannes Zonaras, No 105 from the Zograf monastery (Preliminary notes

Житието на Стефан Лазаревич и Родослов на сръбските владетели в ръкопис № 88, ф. 201, Руски държавен архив

The Life of Stefan Lazarevic´ and a Genealogy of Serbian Rulers in MS No 88, coll. 201, Russian State Archive

  • Summary/Abstract

    A 16th c. manuscript of truly remarkable content is kept at the Russian State Archive of Ancient Acts (RGADA) – No 88, Op. 1, Obolensky Collection (f. 201). It includes an excerpt of the Life of Stefan Lazarević by Konstantin Kostenečki and a Rodoslov (Genealogy) of the Serbian rulers designed as a Loza Nemanjića-type family tree scheme. The genealogical work replicates part of the facts from the hagiographic one, but complements the vita and enriches the information it provides. The excerpt from the Life of Stefan Lazarević is an account about the rulers of the Nemanjić dynasty, from Stefan Nemanja to Uroš V and from Vukan to Stefan Lazarević. The Genealogy does not overlap with any of the known Serbian chronicles. It has a larger chronological scope and deals with the so-called second branch, which is presented briefly in most related texts. While the hagiographical part talks about the descendants of Stefan Prvovenčani (the “First-Crowned”), the second part emphasizes the descendants of his brother Vukan. There are included those representatives of the dynasty who were rulers or wives of rulers. Considered as a whole, the two texts show a different conception of power and this distinguishes them from other Serbian Genealogies.

Краткая южнославянская версия трактата „Ἑρμηνεία περὶ τοῦ θείου ναοῦ“ Симеона Солунского. Издание текста Протлъкъ лутꙊргїи, и црькви, и чинꙊ свѧщеньничьскомꙊ по рукописи РГАДА 88 и Богишич 52

A Short South Slavic Version of the Treatise „Ἑρμηνεία περὶ τοῦ θείουναοῦ” by Simeon of Thessalonica. Publication of the Text Протлъкъ лутꙊргїи, и црькви, ичинꙊ свѧщеньничьскомꙊ according to the Manuscript of RGADA 88 and Bogišich 52

  • Summary/Abstract

    The publication brings into scholarly circulation the recently identified interpretation of the liturgy under the title Протль лургїи, и црк҃ви, и чи́н сщ҃енничьском, which is known in two manuscripts of Serbian origin, 16th century: RGADA 88 (84r – 87r) and in Bogisic 52 (122v21, 133r-v, 124r-v. Based on specific differences in the text, it has been established that the work is a summary translation of the treatise ‘Ἑρμηνεία περὶ τοῦ θείου ναοῦ’ by the Byzantine theologian Simeon of Thessalonica (1381/1387–1429). The Slavic translator did not leave his name. It is assumed that the prototype of the codices is a medieval Serbian manuscript from the first half of the 15th century, created in the circle of scribes under the patronage of the despot Stefan Lazarević and that Konstantin Kostenečki, also called the Philosopher, made the translation of the text. He was a Bulgarian intellectual in exile, who worked in the court of the mentioned despot. The main argument in favour of this assumption is that the interpretation of the liturgy in the two collections appears in the context of works confirmed in paleo-Slavic studies as coming from the pen of Constantine.

Източникът на най-стария румънски превод от творби на св. Симеон Нови Богослов

The Source of the Oldest Romanian Translation of the Writings of St. Symeon The New Theologian

  • Summary/Abstract

    The oldest Romanian translations of the work of St. Symeon the New Theologian circulated in two ways: a corpus of 24 discourses and in a fragmentary form. The first one consists of 6 Catechesis, 16 Hymns, 62 Practical and Theological Chapters and the Pseudo-simeonian Method of prayer. Six sermons and the Method survive in the oldest Romanian manuscript: Prodromos No. 1 (3674), issued in 1766. These were selected from the newly translated corpus of the 24 slovo, as attested by Staretz Basil of Poiana Mărului’s letter of 1766 to his apprentice Alexios. According to the same letter, the work of St. Symeon had been already known to the monks from Poiana Mărului Skete (Buzău county) but in a fragmentary form. This is a different translation produced, therefore, ante 1766. The oldest Romanian manuscript that preserves this translation is Rom. MS Slatina Monastery II-1 from 1763. In this case, the manuscript witnesses a process of selecting excerpts from some of the Catechesis, Hymns and Practical Chapters.

Риккардо Пиккио: гражданин наднациональной Respublica litterarum. К столетию со дня его рождения

Riccardo Picchio: a citizen of the supranational Respublica Litterarum. To the centenary of his birth

Ива Трифонова. Ръкописната традиция на Книга Откровение сред южните славяни. Част I: Сръбският препис от края на XIV в. София: Кирило-Методиевски научен център, 2022

Iva Trifonova. The Manuscript Tradition of the Book of Revelation among the South Slavs. Part I: The Serbian Copy from the End of the Fourteenth Century. Sofia: Cyrillo- Methodian Research Centre, 2022]. 344 pp. ISBN 978-954-9787-55-9

Žagar, Mateo. Introduction to Glagolitic Palaeography (Empirie und Theorie der Sprachwissenschaft 4). Heidelberg: Universitäts verlag Winter, 2021. 542 pp. ISBN 978-3-8253-4608-9

Пенкова, Бисерка, Веселина Йончева, Георги Геров, Емануел Мутафов, Иван Ванев, Майа Захариева, Маргарита Куюмджиева, Мария Колушева, Цвета Кунева. Корпус на стенописите от ХVІ век в България. Под ред. на Бисерка Пенкова. София: Институт за изследване

Penkova, Bisserka, Veselina Joncheva, Georgi Gerov, Emmanuel Moutafov, Ivan Vanev, Maya Zaharieva, Margarita Kuyumdzhieva, Maria Kolusheva, Tsveta Kuneva. Corpus of the Sixteenth Century Wall Paintings in Bulgaria. Ed. by Biserka Penkova. Sofia: Inst

  • Summary/Abstract

    Book Review: Пенкова, Бисерка, Веселина Йончева, Георги Геров, Емануел Мутафов, Иван Ванев, Майа Захариева, Маргарита Куюмджиева, Мария Колушева, Цвета Кунева. Корпус на стенописите от ХVІ век в България. Под ред. на Бисерка Пенкова. София: Институт за изследване на изкуствата – БАН, 2022

    Subject: Book review

Христова, Боряна, Елисавета Мусакова, Искра Христова-Шомова. Славянски и гръцки ръкописи в Регионален исторически музей – Ловеч. София: Издателство „Логис,“ 2022

Hristova, Boriana, Elissaveta Moussakova, Iskra Hristova-Shomova. Slavonic and Greek Manuscripts in the Regional Historical Museum - Lovech. Sofia: Logis Publishing House, 2022. 285 pp., 77 ills. ISBN 978-954-82-89-18-4

Kriza, Ágnes. Depicting Orthodoxy in the Russian Middle Ages. The Novgorod icon of Sofia, the Divine Wisdom. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2022. 384 pp., 105 figs. ISBN 9780198854302

Rapp, Claudia et al. Mobility and Migration in Byzantium: A Sourcebook (Moving Byzantium 1). Eds. Claudia Rapp, Johannes Preiser-Kapeller. Vienna University Press, 2023. 500 pp. ISSN: 2940-3529, ISBN: 978-3-7370-1341-3, ISBN Print: 9783847113416

Rigo, Antonio, Мarco Scarpa. La Vita di Romylos da Vidin asceta nei Balcani (1310 ca. – 1376/1380) (Subsidia Hagiographica 99). Bruxelles: Société des Bollandistes, 2022. XI+233 pp., 1 map, ill. ISBN: 9782873650384

Попова, Татьяна. Г. Первый славянский перевод Лествицы Иоанна Синайского. Москва – Санкт-Петербург: Нестор-История, 2020. 320 pp. ISBN: 978-5- 4469-1705-1

Popova, Tanja. G. The First Slavonic Translation of the Ladder of John Climacus. Moscow – Sankt-Peterburg: Nestor-Istorija, 2020. 320 pp. ISBN: 978-5- 4469-1705-1

Златанова, Румяна. Книги на пророците Осия, Софония, Агей, Захария и Малахия в старобългарски превод (Диалог и духовност 9). София: TEMTO, 2022. 392 pp. ISBN 978-954-9566-94-9

Zlatanova, Rumjana. Die Bücher der Propheten Hosea, Zephanja, Haggai, Sacharja und Maleachi in altbulgarischer Übersetzung (Dialog and Dimensionen des Geistes 9). Sofia: TEMTO, 2022. 392 pp. ISBN 978-954-9566-94-9

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