Andrej Boyadzhiev

Dr. Andrej Bojadžiev is Professor in the Faculty of Slavic Studies at Sofia University “St. Kliment Ohridski“. His main fields of interests are Slavic historical linguistics, Cyrillic and Glagolitic paleography, markup technologies, digital humanities, and electronic publishing.

Prof., PhD, Faculty of Slavic Philology, University of Sofia

In memoriam Yavor Miltenov (1978–2023)

  • Summary/Abstract

    I first knew Yavor and his work when he was studying Bulgarian philology at the St. Clement of Ohrid University of Sofia (1996-2001). He was an alumnus of the National High School of Ancient Languages and Cultures, from which he had graduated with a thesis on The History of Mount Athos by Stefan the Hagiorite and it came naturally to him to specialize further in the field of Old Slavonic letters. His MA thesis Apocalypsis Johannis Apocrypha: Survey, Critical edition and Word Index (published in 20011) was distinguished by the depth of the analysis and by the accomplished methodology mastered by a very talented and a very promising specialist in the history of medieval Slavonic texts. It was to this area – medieval text history – that Yavor Miltenov would return to constantly over the years, creating a legacy.

    Subject: Personalia

Притчи Соломонови в славянския ръкопис № 105 от Зографския манастир

Proverbs of Solomon in the Slavic Manuscript No 105 from the Zograf Monastery

The Contaminated Slavic Version of Acta Thomae

Андрей Бояджиев. Контаминираната славянска версия на Acta Thomae

  • Summary/Abstract

    The article is dedicated to a rare text of Acta Thomae, which has so far been found only in a copy in a manuscript of the 16th century. A review of textological features is made and the text is compared with several Slavic and Greek copies. Such a version is not found among the transcripts of the Acts of the Apostle Thomas known to us and is a separate branch of tradition that emerged after the translation of the Actа Thomaе and Acta Thomae Minora. It is believed that the text in Slavic tradition appeared in the 14th century, probably in Bulgaria, but underwent significant revision before being included in Izmaragd. The research includes a publication of the text.

Johannes Reinhart at 70

Йоханес Райнхарт на 70 години

  • Summary/Abstract

    Professor Johannes Reinhart is one of the most outstanding figures in palaeo­ slavistics, the author of more than 100 articles and studies, a man who discovered hitherto unknown Slavonic texts, an untiring researcher into the Slavonic manuscript heritage and a noted etymologist. He was born on March 2, 1951, in Vienna, where he graduated, defended his doctoral thesis and lectured. With his erudition and precision Professor Reinhart, a disciple of the remarkable scholar František Mareš, is a typical representative of the famous Viennese school of Slavonic studies, the foundations of which were laid by the great Vatroslav Jagić.

    Keywords: Johannes Reinhart

Re-imaging Versiones Slavicae

Нова представа за Versiones Slavicae

  • Summary/Abstract

    The paper discusses a strategy for transforming the Versiones Slavicae database into an XML format, which would improve opportunities for application-independent preservation and maintenance.

    Нова представа за Versiones Slavicae
    Андрей Бояджиев
    (Софийски университет „Св. Климент Охридски“, България)

    Инициативата Versiones Slavicae започва през декември 2011 г. с финансиране, осигурено от двугодишна безвъзмездна финансова помощ от Българския фонд за научни изследвания. Целта на тази инициатива е „да се разработи свободно достъпен интернет базиран електронен каталог на средновековни славянски преводи и съответните им византийски източници“. Настоящата статия обсъжда възможен подход при трансформирането и конвертирането на базата данни Versiones Slavicae в XML формат.

Iskra Hristova-Shomova. Dragotin Menaion: A Bulgarian Manuscript from the Beginning of the 12th Century. Sofia: St. Kliment Ohridski University Press, 2018, 752 pp.

Electronic Edition and Linguistic Annotation of Slavic Fragments

Writing Old Cyrillic and Glagolitic in GNU/Linux with the Bulgarian Phonetic Traditional Keyboard Layout

Tracing the Greek Parallels to Acta Thomae in India as Witnessed in MS NBKM 1039

  • Summary/Abstract

    The paper discusses the possible Greek version of Acts and Martirdom of St. Apostle Thoma in India that was translated relatively early in the Slavic tradition. The author makes a new edition of the Greek text based on the critical edition by Bonnet 1903. His aim is to find the Greek text that is closer to the Slavic version.

Guidelines to Repertorium Initiative XML Model for Manuscripts Descriptions

  • Summary/Abstract

    The publication provides full documentation for the project "Repertorium of the Old Bulgarian Literature and Letters", a long-term initiative of the Department of Old Bulgarian Literature at the Institute of Literature (Bulgarian Aacademy of Sciences), which is based on XML technologies. The guidelines include an overview both of the principles and techniques of encoding with explanation of different options and solutions for the description of the Slavic manuscripts drawing on scholars experience. Numerous examples illustrate mark up used in the electronic description of the codicology, textology and language of the medieval manuscripts.

Constructing Repertorium 3.0

  • Summary/Abstract

    In this paper a mechanism for transition to a new XML model for the description of Medieval manuscripts is proposed. The acceptance of the TEI P5 model in its current form without modifications was not possible due to the long tradition in electronic cataloguing in the field of Medieval Slavic studies and due to the obvious differences between the Slavic description tradition on the one hand and the description of Latin and Greek codices on the other. The proposed model is an attempt to integrate the various views in modern cataloguing in the field of Medieval studies in one single schema and to propose a solution for a more strict and intuitive representation of records both as data base stucture and as text.

The Linguistic Information in the Electronic Corpus of Old Slavonic Texts

  • Summary/Abstract

    Доклад посвящен включению лингвистических данных в электронном корпусе древних славянских текстов. Анализу подвергаются различные современные подходы в этом отношении. Приводятся сведения о форматах, использованных до сих пор в славянской научной традиции, а также делаются параллели с практикой включения языковых данных популярнейших проектов в области электронной обработки современных и древних языков. Подход авторов базирован на технологии языка описательной разметки XML (Extensible Markup Language) и все выводы сделаны на основании этого выбора.

The Slavonic Text of "Acta Thomae in India" Scripta & e-Scripta vol 3-4, 2006 floyd Tue, 10/10/2006 - 12:03

The study is dedicated to the copies of two texts in manuscript CMNL 1039: Acta Thomae and Torment Thomae. They are compared with the Greek tradition, based on the well-known critic publications. Two hypotheses have been made: about the closeness of the Slavonic variant to a concrete textological group of Greek texts and about the differences in the ways of translation of the two works. Attention is paid to rare or unknown words and expressions from the medieval sources. The two texts have been published typed, as the segmentation of the text follows the division in the Greek editions.

Subject: Language and Literature Studies Manuscript CMNL 1039 St. Thoma acts in India Slavonic variants of Greek texts Differences in the ways of translation Rare or unknown words and expressions from the medieval sources

Electronic Student Editions of Medieval Slavic Texts

  • Summary/Abstract

    The report examines the possibilities of electronic publication of mediaeval Slavic texts of various types, intended for teaching at the university. A distinction is made between the critical edition and editions designed for the practical gradual acquiring of linguistic and literary facts. Such publications should fill the gap that exists concerning the mediaeval Slavic texts in electronic form and provide an opportunity to visualize samples of manuscripts. This will increase the opportunity to learn about the essence of Slavic heritage.

    Subject: Language studies

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