Konstantin Kostenečki

Книга пророк Даниил, включена в Хрониката на Йоан Зонара, № 105 от манастира Зограф (предварителни бележки)

The Book of Daniel, included in the Chronicle of Johannes Zonaras, No 105 from the Zograf monastery (Preliminary notes

Житието на Стефан Лазаревич и Родослов на сръбските владетели в ръкопис № 88, ф. 201, Руски държавен архив

The Life of Stefan Lazarevic´ and a Genealogy of Serbian Rulers in MS No 88, coll. 201, Russian State Archive

  • Summary/Abstract

    A 16th c. manuscript of truly remarkable content is kept at the Russian State Archive of Ancient Acts (RGADA) – No 88, Op. 1, Obolensky Collection (f. 201). It includes an excerpt of the Life of Stefan Lazarević by Konstantin Kostenečki and a Rodoslov (Genealogy) of the Serbian rulers designed as a Loza Nemanjića-type family tree scheme. The genealogical work replicates part of the facts from the hagiographic one, but complements the vita and enriches the information it provides. The excerpt from the Life of Stefan Lazarević is an account about the rulers of the Nemanjić dynasty, from Stefan Nemanja to Uroš V and from Vukan to Stefan Lazarević. The Genealogy does not overlap with any of the known Serbian chronicles. It has a larger chronological scope and deals with the so-called second branch, which is presented briefly in most related texts. While the hagiographical part talks about the descendants of Stefan Prvovenčani (the “First-Crowned”), the second part emphasizes the descendants of his brother Vukan. There are included those representatives of the dynasty who were rulers or wives of rulers. Considered as a whole, the two texts show a different conception of power and this distinguishes them from other Serbian Genealogies.

Translating Etymologies: The Versio Slavica of Theodoret of Cyrrhus’ Commentaries on the Song of Songs

Превод на етимологии в славянската версия на коментарите на Теодорит Кирски върху Песен на песните

  • Summary/Abstract

    The paper discusses a medieval Slavonic translation of Theodoret of Cyrrhus’ commentary of the Song of Songs and particularly the approach of the translator when he needed to render the etymological explanations of the exegete. It is hypothesized that Theodoret’s etymologies might have been one of the stimuli for Konstantin Kostenečki to use this method of explanation in the Treatise on the Letters

    Превод на етимологии в славянската версия на коментарите
    на Теодорит Кирски върху Песен на песните
    Маргарет Димитрова
    (Софийски университет „Св. Климент Охридски“, България)

    В статията се анализират подходите на средновековния славянски преводач при предаване на етимологиите, с които Теодорит Кирски си служи, когато тълкува Песен на Песните. Изказва се предположение, че етимологиите на Теодорит може да са били един от стимулите за Костантин Костенечки да използва този метод в „Сказание изявлено о писменех“, макар че те не са били непосредственият му извор.

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