
Най-ранното свидетелство за Лествицата Scripta & e-Scripta vol. 23, 2023 floyd Sun, 12/03/2023 - 16:05
The Earliest Attestation of the Lěstvica

The earliest attestation of the Slavonic translation of the Scala Paradisi is not furnished by the excerpts in the Simeonov Sbornik, but by those in the Scaliger Patericon, which can reliably be dated before the removal of library resources from Pliska to Preslav, i.e. ‘after 887 but before 893’. It contains 59 excerpts (ca. 1210 words) from twelve chapters (1 through 30), which provide a convenient base to examine the relationship of versions a and b of the translation. Both versions have protographs written in Glagolitic, which discredits the claim that version b be a 14th century Athonite work. Both versions vary in 21%, but share 79% of the text, i.e. one of them served as an exemplar for the other. The proposal to consider a co–author of 21% is based on the following: a corrects deficiencies in b, but b not in a; recurrent variation shows patterning in a, not in b; a is ignorant of Cyrillo–Methodian monastic terminology. The most probable dating of a is to ‘before 887’ and of b correspondingly to ‘before a’.

Subject: Language studies Language and Literature Studies Theoretical Linguistics Historical Linguistics Philology Translation Keywords: John of Sinai Scala Paradisi TRANSLATION Revision Excerption Transmission
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