Zograph monastery

Житие на Стефан Лазаревич: принос към изследването на ръкописната традиция Scripta & e-Scripta vol. 23, 2023 floyd Sun, 12/03/2023 - 13:54
The Life of Stefan Lazarevic: A Contribution to the Study of the Manuscript Tradition

Muz. 3070 (Russian State Library) includes a portion of the lost Grigorovič manuscript of the Life of Stefan Lazarević, which was removed from Zogr. 105 (previously 151) by Grigorovič during his 1844 visit to the Zograph monastery.

Subject: History Language and Literature Studies Middle Ages Philology Keywords: Life of Stefan Lazarević Viktor Ivanovič Grigorovič Zograph monastery

Славянски превод на Охридския хрисовул от 1273 г.

A Slavic translation of the Ohrid Chrysobull of 1273

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