Tatyana Ilieva

Татьяна Илиева окончила Софийский университет им. св. Климента Охридского со степенью магистра класической филологии и болгарской филологии (1989) и богословия (1995). В 2006 году защитила диссертацию на тему „Богословская терминология в переводе Иоанна Экзарха Небеса (De fide orthodoxa)“. Соавтор издания “Книга пророка Иезекииля с толкованиями” (2003) и автор древнеболгар- ского-греческого словоуказателя к этого перевода (2013). Работает как доцент в Кирилло-Мефодиевском научном центре при Болгар- ской академии наук. Научные интересы в области средневековой славянской книжности и, в частности, рецепции византийской литературы и богословия среди балканских славян, язык переводов и двуязычные словари.

Assoc. Prof., PhD Cyrillo-Methodian Research Centre, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Sofia, Bulgaria

Краткая южнославянская версия трактата „Ἑρμηνεία περὶ τοῦ θείου ναοῦ“ Симеона Солунского. Издание текста Протлъкъ лутꙊргїи, и црькви, и чинꙊ свѧщеньничьскомꙊ по рукописи РГАДА 88 и Богишич 52

A Short South Slavic Version of the Treatise „Ἑρμηνεία περὶ τοῦ θείουναοῦ” by Simeon of Thessalonica. Publication of the Text Протлъкъ лутꙊргїи, и црькви, ичинꙊ свѧщеньничьскомꙊ according to the Manuscript of RGADA 88 and Bogišich 52

  • Summary/Abstract

    The publication brings into scholarly circulation the recently identified interpretation of the liturgy under the title Протль лургїи, и црк҃ви, и чи́н сщ҃енничьском, which is known in two manuscripts of Serbian origin, 16th century: RGADA 88 (84r – 87r) and in Bogisic 52 (122v21, 133r-v, 124r-v. Based on specific differences in the text, it has been established that the work is a summary translation of the treatise ‘Ἑρμηνεία περὶ τοῦ θείου ναοῦ’ by the Byzantine theologian Simeon of Thessalonica (1381/1387–1429). The Slavic translator did not leave his name. It is assumed that the prototype of the codices is a medieval Serbian manuscript from the first half of the 15th century, created in the circle of scribes under the patronage of the despot Stefan Lazarević and that Konstantin Kostenečki, also called the Philosopher, made the translation of the text. He was a Bulgarian intellectual in exile, who worked in the court of the mentioned despot. The main argument in favour of this assumption is that the interpretation of the liturgy in the two collections appears in the context of works confirmed in paleo-Slavic studies as coming from the pen of Constantine.

On the Interpretation of the Liturgy from the South Slavic Manuscripts RGADA 88 and Bogišić 52

За Тълкувание на литургията в южнославянските ръкописи РГАДА 88 и Богишич 52

  • Summary/Abstract
    The focus of this report is the still-unexplored Interpretation of Orthodox liturgy, attested in two copies: first in manuscript No. 88 from the collection of Obolensky (201), State Archive of Russian Federation (Moscow), the second in manuscript No 52 of 1567, from the Archive of Baltazar Bogisić in Cavtat. The two manuscripts contain proven original works of Constantine of Kostenets (1380–1431). The author analyzes the structure and content of the interpretation and comments on it as a source for the history of Liturgy – from the point of view of the data concerning the liturgical features described in it. It can be concluded that the basis of texts in MS No 88 and MS Bogishić 52 is a late composition of Byzantine mystagogy, which, in turn, means that the time of implementation of the South Slavic translation should be dated no earlier than the end of the 12th century. This is one of the many short epitomes created during the Second Bulgarian Kingdom as a result of the secondary reduction of the original extensive commentary. A detailed investigation and the text-critical edition will be forthcoming.

Иван И. Илиев. Тълкуванието на Книга на пророк Даниил от Иполит Римски в старобългарски превод. София: Институт за литература при БАН, 2017, 425 с. ISBN 978-954-509-580-1

Ivan Iliev. The Commentary on the Book of Daniel by Hippolytus of Rome in the Old Church Slavonic Translation. Sofia: Institute of Literature, BAS, 2017, 425 pp., ISBN 978-954-509-580-1

  • Summary/Abstract

    Ivan Iliev. The Commentary on the Book of Daniel by Hippolytus of Rome in the Old Church Slavonic Translation. Sofia: Institute of Literature, BAS, 2017, 425 pp., ISBN 978-954-509-580-1

Двуязычные индексы в палеославистичной лексикографической традиции как инструмент изучения истории перевода в Slavia Orthodoxa

The Bilingual Indexes in the Paleoslavistic Lexicographical Tradition as a Tool of Studying the History of Translation in Slavia Orthodoxa

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