Lara Sels

Lara Sels is a slavist (1996) and a classicist (1998) who obtained her PhD in East European Languages and Cultures at the Ghent University, with an annotated edition of the Slavonic translation of Gregory of Nyssa’s On the Making of Man (2004). Between 1998 and 2014 she lectured in Old Church Slavonic at the Slavistics Department of the University of Ghent. Since 2012 she is employed at the Greek Studies Department of the KU Leuven, where she lectures in Byzantine art, and is responsible for the editorial work on the Series Graeca of the Corpus Christianorum. She is the author of several publications on the Slav reception of Byzantine culture.

Postdoctoral Collaborator, PhD KU Leuven, Belgium
The Independent Transmission of Chapter 21 of the Slavic De hominis opificio in Codex Mosquensis, Russian State Archive 88 (Obolensky collection 201) Scripta & e-Scripta vol. 20, 2020 floyd Mon, 09/07/2020 - 08:39
Независима трансмисия на глава 21 от славянския превод на De hominis opificio в ръкопис № 88 (колекция Оболенски 201), Руски държавен архив, Москва

The paper discusses the newly discovered fragment (No. 88, Russian State Archive of Ancient Acts, Obolensky collection f. 201, first decades of 16th c.) of Gregory of Nyssa’s De hominis opificio in Slavonic translation. It also offers an edition of the text in parallel with its Greek source, an English translation with references and biblical quotations, the Slavonic archetype, and the text of the same fragment in No. 1032, National Library in Sofia.

Независима трансмисия на глава 21 от славянския превод на De hominis opificio в ръкопис № 88 (колекция Оболенски 201), Руски държавен архив, Москва

Анисава Милтенова
(Институт за литература при БАН, София, България)
Лара Селс
(Католически университет в Льовен, Белгия)

Статията разглежда новооткрит фрагмент от славянския превод на съчинението De Hominis opificio от Григорий Нисийски в ръкопис № 88 (колекция Оболенски № 201) в Руския държавен архив за древни актове, от първите десетилетия на ХVІ в. Прави се първоначална характеристика на съдържанието на ръкописа. Публикацията включва също издание на текста паралелно с гръцкия му източник, превод на английски език с препратки и библейски цитати, текст на славянския архетип и текст на същия фрагмент в ръкопис НБКМ № 1032 от 1553 г., писан от Висарион Дебърски. Текстологията позволява да се направят изводи за връзките на състава на ръкопис № 88 с атонската традиция.

Subject: Language and Literature Studies Language studies Studies of Literature Philology Theory of Literature Keywords: De hominis opificio Athonite tradition despot Stefan Lazarević bishop Michael Metropolitan of Banya Kolasia Kratovo Shtip

Reconsidering the Textual Transmission of the Slavonic Quaestiones adAntiochum ducem

  • Summary/Abstract

    The present contribution addresses questions concerning the textual history of the Slavonic translation of the Quaestiones ad Antiochum ducem (CPG 2257) and challenges some of the positions taken by William Veder in his recent edition (2016) of this eratopocritic collection. A selection of key text witnesses (among which the Izbornik of 1076, the Troitskij sbornik and the Laurentian florilegium of 1348) are examined in order to distinguish the different textual layers and to arrive at a better understanding of the text’s transmission history. It is argued that there is no firm proof for the existence of a full corpus of QAD questions in Slavonic prior to the thirteenth century and that the textual tradition of the QAD is marked by progressive expansion and continuous conflation.

Scholia from Gregory of Nyssa’s Apologia in Hexaemeron in the Fourteenth-Century Slavonic Hexaemeron Collection

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