Pirinka Penkowa-Lyager

Pirinka Penkova-Lyager finished Bulgarian Philology in Sofia University (1964). PhD thesis “Glotometric measurement of verbals compatibility in Old Bulgarian” (1968); Assistant prof. in Sofia University (1964–1968) and Prof. in Slavic studies in Odense University (1980). Lecturer in Bulgarian language in Regensburg, Germany (1968–1971); lecturer in Slavic studies in the universities of Copenhagen, Aarhus, Odense and Esbjerg, Denmark (1971–1982, 1992–1995). Director of the Export Academy 1982–1992, Project director of EU-programs 1992- 2006. Her important contributions in the field of medieval studies are the publications of the Slavonic translations of Athanasius of Alexandria’s Orationes contra Arianos.

Kalundborg, Danmark
The origin of the literal translation of Athanasius of Alexandria’s “Orationes contra Arianos” in the manuscript of Gavrilo Stefanović Venclović’s ‘Razglagolnik istinogo života’ Scripta & e-Scripta vol. 21, 2021 floyd Fri, 11/19/2021 - 15:05
Оригиналът на литертурния превод на Orationes contra Arianos от Атанасий Александрийски според ръкописа на Razglagolnik istinogo života’ на Гаврило Стефанович Венцлович

The author compares the marginal glosses in the book of Epifanij Slavinetskij’s Sbornik perevodov, 1665, with the text of Athanasius’ Third Oration against the Arians in Gavrilo Venclović’s Razglagolnik, 1734. The marginal glosses in Epifanij’s Russian Version are taken from a South Slavonic manuscript that has a common origin with the protograph of Venclović. The Orationes contra Arianos in Razglagolnik are written in South Slavonic koine and their source has the features of an Athonite translation related to the Council of Ferrara-Florence and the disputes over the filioque.

Subject: Slavonic translations Philology Linguistics palaeoslavic studies Keywords: ATHANASIUS OF ALEXANDRIA Epifanij Slavinetskij Gavrilo Venclović Razglagolnik
Biblical Quotations in the Athonite Translation of the Homilies Against the Aryans by St. Atanasios of Alexandria Scripta & e-Scripta vol. 19, 2019 floyd Tue, 10/08/2019 - 14:20 The article is devoted to the Athonite translation of the Orations against the Arians by Athanasius of Alexandria, preserved in the so-called Ragagolnik of Epiphanius Slavinetsky. Late copy of the translation is saved in a manuscript from the Synodal collection 112 (No.360). from the 17th century, State Historical Museum, Moscow. The author makes observations on the language in a manuscript from the Pogodin collection 968, the Russian National Library, St. Petersburg and No.360 from the GIM confirms the general genesis of the copies in MS No. 360 and it. Biblical quotations testify that the translation from Mount Athos was made directly from the Greek language, without reference to the canonical books of the 10th century, but in accordance with the orthographic and grammatical standards of the Hesychastic Reform in 14th century. The translator knows and uses the translation of Konstantin of Preslav, but the similarities between the Old Bulgarian and the Athonite translations are mostly in the quotations of the New Testament. The differences between the Russian and Serbian versions are mainly due to the corrections made by Epiphanius Slavinetsky or the reference to Epiphanius of a protograph of another Greek tradition used on Mount Athos. Subject: Language and Literature Studies Language studies Studies of Literature Philology Theory of Literature Keywords: KONSTANTIN OF PRESLAV ATHANASIUS OF ALEXANDRIA EPIPHANIUS SLAVINETSKY HESYCHASTIC TRADITION MOUNT ATHOS

On the Authorship Сьлание о празднице Пасхы Attributed to Athanasius of Alexandria

  • Summary/Abstract

    The author analyzes the Fourth Oratio against the Arians by Athanasius of Alexandria in Slavic translation of Constantine of Preslav. Assumptions are made on the principles of calculation of Passover, which – on the one hand are in line with tradition during the fourth century, and, on the other hand, there are arguments for possible intervention by Bulgarian author in the text to prove the purity of the Eastern tradition. In appendix the edition of the Slavic text of the Oratio is published for the first time (the copy of year 1489 in the manuscript ? 968, collection of M. Pogodin, RNL, St. Petersburg, f. 209r-222v).

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