
Проложные жития в средневековой южнославянской книжности Scripta & e-Scripta vol. 18, 2018 floyd Thu, 12/27/2018 - 07:21
The Prologue Vitae in the Medieval South-Slavonic Literature

The article deals with the review of prologue vitae (sinaxariа), which are short hagiographic (narrative) texts for saints and festivals, which are contained in two calendar liturgical books – Prologue and Menaia. They are founded in the composition of two types of hagiographic sinaxaria, in the Slavic literature called Simple and Verse Prologue. The first is distinguished by the verses (the two- or the three-verses), written before the sinaxaria vitae. A comparison is made between the prologue vitae from the Simple and the Verse Prologue of three popular Christian saints – George, Demetrius, Nicholas. To them are added the vitae from the Simple and the Verse Prologue for St Petka (Parasceve of Epibatae), St Ivan Rilski (John of Rila) and St Simeon and Sava (of Serbia) – emblematic South Slavic saints.

Subject: Language studies Language and Literature Studies Theoretical Linguistics Applied Linguistics Studies of Literature Philology Translation Studies Prologue Vitae Simple Prologue Prologue in Verse Menaion Commemoration of saints Commemoration of South-Slavonic saints Liturgical books
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