Dilyana Radoslavova

Dilyana Radoslavova, currently a Senior Assistant Professor at the Department of Old Bulgarian Literature, Institute of Literature, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences. She has a MA degree in Bulgarian Philology (St Kliment Ohridski University of Sofia, 1995) and a PhD degree in Bulgarian literature (Institute of Literature, BAS, 2010). She specialises in the fields of the history of the Mediaeval Slavonic letters, Cyrillic palaeography and codicology, and creating electronic resources in palaeoslavistics. She is a co-compiler of Cyrillic Books Printed before 1701 in British and Irish Collections: A Union Catalogue. London, 2000 (with R. M. Cleminson, C. G. Thomson, and V. A. Voznesenskij) and an author of 17th-century Bulgarian Letters: Centers, Scribes, Repertoire (Studia Mediaevalia Slavica et Byzantina 6). Sofia, 2020.

Institute for Literature, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Sofia, Bulgaria

Catherine Mary MacRobert at 70

Катрин Мери МакРобърт на 70 години

  • Summary/Abstract

    Catherine Mary MacRobert, M.A., D.Phil., formerly University Lecturer in Russian Philology and Comparative Slavonic Philology at the University of Oxford, is presently Emeritus Fellow of Lady Margaret Hall, and Senior Research Fellow at Somerville College. Her main research interests have been in the history of mediaeval Slavonic translations from Greek and comparative grammar. A great deal of her work is devoted to the textual tradition of the mediaeval Slavonic Psalter. It would be not an exaggeration to say that nowadays she must be esteemed as one of the best experts on the subject.

Some New Data on the Literary Activity of Samujil Bakacˇycˇ: Preliminary Remarks

Нови данни за литературната дейност на Самуил Бакачич (предварителни бележки)

  • Summary/Abstract

    Samujil Bakačyč was an Athonite man-of-letters who worked in the last quarter of the 17th century and was famous for his translations into Church Slavonic, most of which are known from single autographs. Among the works he translated, there were two of the most popular Greek anthologies – Thesauros by Damaskenos Stoudites (Venice, 1557/8) and Hamartolon soteria by Agapios Landos (Venice, 1641). While Bakačyč’s version of the latter, and especially of its third part – Miracles of The Theotokos – gained great popularity among the South Slavs, his 1691 translation of the Thesauros, although declared by him in a title page, has been so far known as partial and including a few vitae. The article aims to present two newly identified autographs of Samujil Bakačyč. They reveal some interesting details from the textual history and dissemination of the cycle of The Theotokos’ Miracles and shed light on the question about the real scope of his translation of the Thesauros

    Нови данни за литературната дейност на Самуил Бакачич
    (предварителни бележки)

    Диляна Радославова
    (Институт за литература при БАН, София, България)

    Самуил Бакачич е атонски книжовник, който работи през последната четвърт на XVII в. и е известен с преводите си на църковнославянски език, повечето от които познати от единични автографи. Сред преведените от него произведения са две от най-популярните гръцки антологии – Съкровище от Дамаскин Студит (Венеция, 1557/8) и Спасение на грешните от Агапий Ландос (Венеция, 1641). Докато версията на Бакачич на последното съчинение и особено на третата му част – Чудесата на св. Богородица, придобива голяма популярност сред южните славяни, неговият превод на Съкровище от 1691 г., макар и обявен от него в заглавна страница, досега е известен частично и включващ няколко жития. Статията има за цел да представи два новооткрити автографа на Самуил Бакачич. Те разкриват някои интересни подробности от текстовата история и разпространението на цикъла от Чудесата на св. Богородица и хвърлят светлина върху въпроса за реалния обхват на превода на Съкровище.

Semantics of the Book’s Macro-Compositional Level? A Visualisation Method of Analysis

  • Summary/Abstract

    The publication opens for discussion an approach to macrostructural analysis of certain calendar miscellanies with selected readings which belong to the Medieval Balkan tradition. The author proposes that the selection of feasts and saints’ commemorations, as well as the order of the corresponding texts might be interpreted as determined by certain overall theme(s) / thematic fields and could be „read“ on the level of the book’s content. This approach was encouraged by the outcomes of a study on the calendar-thematic composition of Damaskenos Studites’s Thesauros and its transformations in Bulgarian literary tradition in the 16th-18th century. Aiming at a search for similar preceding models, the survey makes comparison on macro-compositional level between some panegyrica, such as Mihanović Homiliar and Jagić Zlatoust of the late 13th – early 14th century, the 1358/59 Miscellany of German, and the 16th-century Panegyricon No. 85 from the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences. In addition, the study explores the relevancy of a method for visualisation, which can be supportive of a thematic analysis.

Олга Младенова, Боряна Велчева. Ловешки дамаскин: новобългарски паметник от ХVII век. София, Национална библиотека „Св. Св. Кирил и Методий“, 2013

Olga Mladenova, Boryana Velcheva. Loveč Damaskin: A New-Bulgarian Manuscript of the Seventeenth Century. Sofia: SS Cyril and Methodius National...)

  • Summary/Abstract

    Reviews / Olga Mladenova, Boryana Velcheva. Loveč Damaskin: A New-Bulgarian Manuscript of the Seventeenth Century. Sofia: SS Cyril and Methodius National Library, 2013. 536 pp. ISBN 978-954-523-136-0

The International Workshop and Conference Azbuky.Net

  • Summary/Abstract

    The International Workshop and Conference Azbuky.Net (Sofia, 24–27 October 2005) was organized by the Institute of Bulgarian Language, the Institute of Literature, the Institute of Mathematics and Informatics, and the Central Library of Bulgarian Academy of Sciences (BAS). This was one in a sequences of forums over the past decade that have affirmed the position of Bulgaria as one of the coordinating centrers for the activities of leading specialists in the field of the application of information technologies to humanities scholarship. Among the participants in Azbuky.Net were scholars and students from Bulgaria, Great Britain, Germany, Denmark, Lithuania, Norway, Rumania, Russia, Serbia and Montenegro, Slovenia, the United States of America, etc. The conference was held right before the Annual meeting of Text Encoding Initiative (TEI) Consortium (28–30 October, Sofia), which provided an opportunity for more scholars and lecturers to attend Azbuky.Net, and which resulted in very fruitful meetings and discussions.

    Subject: Workshop Conference

The Scribal Centre at the Village of Adzhar in the 17th century: New Data

  • Summary/Abstract

    The article offers new attributions and localizations of ten Adzhar monuments on the basis of a paleographic analysis. The scribal activity in the centre is viewed in comparison with that of the rest of the calligraphic centers in the Bulgarian lands in the XVII century. The analysis of the repertoire of Adzhar monuments in the light of the new material brings about the conclusion that in the second half of the century the settlement became a literary and educational centre of a parish type, where the book copying was directly bound with the preparation of priests.

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