Vera Podkovyrova

Library of Russian Academy, Sankt Petersburg
Указатели названий и инципитов разделов и глав славянских списков Откровения Иоанна Богослова как поисковый аппарат и основа для изучения редакций текста  Scripta & e-Scripta vol. 18, 2018 floyd Fri, 12/28/2018 - 07:38
Indexes of Names and Incipita of Sections and Chapters of the Slavonic Witnesses of the Revelation of John the Theologian as a Search Tool and a Basis for Studying Versions of the Text

The article is devoted to the research of the Revelation of John the Theologian text editions. The main source of this aspect of text study is the peculiarity of the text structure: names, intsipits, explicites. The features of the three known scientific editions of the Apocalypse are determined and presented in the table. The methods of work on revealing these signs is described.

Subject: Apocalypsis St. John Theologion Text tradition Titles Incipita Filliation of the texts Language and Literature Studies Theoretical Linguistics Applied Linguistics Studies of Literature Philology Translation Studies
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