Cyrillic Script

The Bamberg Cyrillic Alphabet – a Colour Facsimile

Себастиан Кемпген. Кирилската азбука от Бамберг – цветно факсимиле

  • Summary/Abstract

    The so-called Bamberg Cyrillic Alphabet (ca. 13th c.) is one of the oldest and most reliable xenographic Slavic alphabets, i.e. a Cyrillic alphabet added to a Latin manuscript of non-related content. It has been published and edited before in black- and-white, and it is presented here for the first time in a high-quality colour photograph, accompanied by a slightly revised tabular reprentation.

Conference “Book and Script. Tradition and Modernity,” April, 8-9, 2022, Sofia

Стефан Пеев. Конференция „Книга и шрифт. Традиция и съвременност”, 8-9 април 2022 г., София

  • Summary/Abstract

    The article provides a thorough review of the presented authors and reports during the scientific conference “Book and Script. Tradition and Modernity”. The scientific conference held on the 8th and 9th of April, 2022, is the first attempt of its kind for an interdisciplinary approach to examine the development of books and scripts from a historical and theoretical aspect. Twenty four papers were presented during the conference from the following institutions: Sofia University “St. Kliment Ohridski”, National Academy of Arts, Plovdiv University “Paisii Hilendarski”, Southwestern University “Neofit Rilski”, UniBit (University of Library Science and Information Technology), New Bulgarian University, Institute of Bulgarian Language at the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, National Library “St. Cyril and Methodius”, Regional Library “P. Pavlovich” (Silistra), University of Zurich, Typeflow (Rijeka). The main topics during the conference were the script origin among Bulgarians; the early Slavic printed books; scripts and manuscripts; the Revival book and its characteristics; books and fonts in modern times; libraries, books and modern approaches in describing them. There was a general consensus that the interdisciplinary approach opens up new fields and horizons for research in the field of books and scripts.

Constantin-Cyril and (Soviet) Language Planning

Константин-Кирил и (съветското) планиране на езика

  • Summary/Abstract

    The present paper shortly dwells upon the role played by Saint Cyril in the politically driven discourse of later epochs, with particular reference to the Soviet “linguistic constructors” (jazykovye stroiteli) in the twenties and thirties of the past century. Starting from an interesting article by R.O. Jakobson, published in 1945, it traces some striking parallels between Cyril’s invention of the first Slavic alphabet and language planning activity, with respect to the problem of alphabet choice, in different times and cultural contexts. The construction of a symbolic meaning around the figure of Cyril has given rise, in the course of time, to different and stimulating approaches and interpretations.

    Константин-Кирил и (съветското) планиране на езика
    Виторио Спрингфилд Томелери
    (Държавен университет на Мацерата, Италия)

    Настоящата статия накратко се спира на ролята на св. Кирил в политически водения дискурс през по-късните епохи, с особено внимание към съветските „езикови строители“ през двадесетте и тридесетте години на миналия век. Започвайки от интересната публикация на Роман Якобсон от 1945 г., в статията се проследяват някои поразителни паралели между създаването от св. Кирил на първата славянска азбука и дейностите по планиране на езикови политики спрямо проблема с избора на азбука през различни времена и съответен културен контекст. Изграждането на символично значение около фигурата на Кирил поражда с течение на времето различни и стимулиращи подходи и интерпретации.

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