
Digital Edition of Pop Punčov Sbornik: Project Note

  • Summary/Abstract

    The described resource is an online tool, designed for studying texts and diachronic variation of language. The core of its corpus is represented by the Pop Punčov Sbornik, a West Bulgarian manuscript from 1796, released together with smaller examples of 14th–19th century Balkan Slavic varieties. Aside from the data, providing a unique view of historical dialects, it also provides a user- friendly interface and modular structure, thus allowing both easy additions of new content and features, as well as training of students and lay people interested in historical literature. The resource also contains extensive documentation concerning both grammar and philological data about the sources.

    Subject: e-Scripta

Cтатистическая значимость компонентов лексических синонимических рядов в древнеболгарских письменных памятниках: поиск метода

Statistical significance of the components of lexical synonymous series in ancient Bulgarian written manuscripts: search for a method

  • Summary/Abstract

    The results of statistical experiments to find the characteristics of words that are traditionally considered as the Ohrid-Moravian and Preslav components of synonymous series – иерѣи ‘priest’ – жьрьць ‘priest, cleric’ – свѧщеньникъ ‘priest, clergyman’, колѣ- но ‘knee’, ‘kindred’ – племѧ ‘tribe, genus’, коньчина ‘demise, end’ – коньць ‘end’, кънигы ‘books’ – писаниѥ ‘scripture’, любодѣица ‘adulteress, fornicator’ – блѫдьница ‘harlot’ are presented. The use of information about the relative number of words in a subcorpus, about significant deviations from the average values, and the calculation of statistical characteristics of lexemes in each of the subcorpora made it possible, in particular, to detect opposed and non-opposed components of synonymous series. The methods used to identify the statistical characteristics of words have shown that the degree of opposition of synonyms can be different – statistically significant or statistically insignificant. On this basis, it is concluded that it is necessary to move away from the unconditional attribution of the components of the synonymic series to the Ohrid-Moravian and Preslav vocabulary: the relations between the components of each synonymic series are individual and can range from statistically opposed in the texts of different schools to

    Subject: e-Scripta

Serbian Early Printed Books from Venice: Creating Models for Automatic Text Recognition Using Transkribus

Владимир Р. Поломац. Сръбски старопечатни книги от Венеция: cъздаване на модели за автоматично текстово разпознаване чрез Transkribus

  • Summary/Abstract

    The paper describes the process of creating a model for the automatic rec- ognition of Serbian Church Slavonic printed books from Venice (from Božidar and Vincenzo Vuković’s printery) by using the Transkribus software platform, based on the principles of artificial intelligence and machine learning. By using the example of Prayer Book (Euchologion) (1538–1540) from Božidar Vuković’s printery, it has been shown that a successful model for the automatic recognition of individual books (with around 5% of unrecognized characters) can also be trained on the material consisting of approximately 4000 words, and that the increased amount of training material (in our case around 38000 words) leads to the improvement of the model and reduced error rate (between 1–2% of unrecognized characters). The most notable result of the paper is manifested through the creation of a generic model for the automatic text recognition of Serbian Church Slavonic books from Božidar and Vincenzo Vuković’s printery. The ini- tial version of the generic model (called Dionisio 1.0. by the Božidar Vuković’s Italian pseudonym – Dionisio della Vecchia) is the first resource for the automatic recognition of the Serbian medieval Cyrillic script, publicly available to all users of the Transkribus software platform (see https://readcoop.eu/model/dionisio-1-0/).

The Bamberg Cyrillic Alphabet – a Colour Facsimile

Себастиан Кемпген. Кирилската азбука от Бамберг – цветно факсимиле

  • Summary/Abstract

    The so-called Bamberg Cyrillic Alphabet (ca. 13th c.) is one of the oldest and most reliable xenographic Slavic alphabets, i.e. a Cyrillic alphabet added to a Latin manuscript of non-related content. It has been published and edited before in black- and-white, and it is presented here for the first time in a high-quality colour photograph, accompanied by a slightly revised tabular reprentation.

Parkosz’s Treatise from a Typographic Point of View Scripta & e-Scripta vol. 22, 2022 floyd Wed, 08/17/2022 - 08:34
Януш С. Биен. Трактатът на Паркош от типографска гледна точка

The 15th century Latin manuscript containing a treatise by Parkosz was the very first proposal of Polish spelling. To account for all the phonemes of Polish some new letters were proposed, which are not available in the present day fonts. This makes difficult to quote the proposal when discussing the history of Polish spelling. The paper describes the transliteration proposed by the author which used the characters available in the Unicode standard. The ultimate solution is of course creating a specialized font and the paper mentions some aspects of this task.

Subject: e-Scripta Digital humanities Keywords: Polish spelling Parkosz typography fonts Unicode

Conference “Book and Script. Tradition and Modernity,” April, 8-9, 2022, Sofia

Стефан Пеев. Конференция „Книга и шрифт. Традиция и съвременност”, 8-9 април 2022 г., София

  • Summary/Abstract

    The article provides a thorough review of the presented authors and reports during the scientific conference “Book and Script. Tradition and Modernity”. The scientific conference held on the 8th and 9th of April, 2022, is the first attempt of its kind for an interdisciplinary approach to examine the development of books and scripts from a historical and theoretical aspect. Twenty four papers were presented during the conference from the following institutions: Sofia University “St. Kliment Ohridski”, National Academy of Arts, Plovdiv University “Paisii Hilendarski”, Southwestern University “Neofit Rilski”, UniBit (University of Library Science and Information Technology), New Bulgarian University, Institute of Bulgarian Language at the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, National Library “St. Cyril and Methodius”, Regional Library “P. Pavlovich” (Silistra), University of Zurich, Typeflow (Rijeka). The main topics during the conference were the script origin among Bulgarians; the early Slavic printed books; scripts and manuscripts; the Revival book and its characteristics; books and fonts in modern times; libraries, books and modern approaches in describing them. There was a general consensus that the interdisciplinary approach opens up new fields and horizons for research in the field of books and scripts.

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