Digital Edition of Pop Punčov Sbornik: Project Note

  • Author(s):
  • Subject(s): e-Scripta //
  • Published by: Institute for Literature BAS
  • Print ISSN: 1312-238X
  • Summary/Abstract:

    The described resource is an online tool, designed for studying texts and diachronic variation of language. The core of its corpus is represented by the Pop Punčov Sbornik, a West Bulgarian manuscript from 1796, released together with smaller examples of 14th–19th century Balkan Slavic varieties. Aside from the data, providing a unique view of historical dialects, it also provides a user- friendly interface and modular structure, thus allowing both easy additions of new content and features, as well as training of students and lay people interested in historical literature. The resource also contains extensive documentation concerning both grammar and philological data about the sources.

  • Page Range: 9-25
    No. of Pages: 17
    Language: English
    Year: 2024
    Issue No:: Scripta & e-Scripta vol. 24, 2024

    Submitted on:

  • Ivan Šimko

    Scholar from Slovakia

    Ivan Šimko (*1985) is a scholar from Slovakia, living in Vienna, Austria. He focuses his research on interactions between Church Slavonic and Early Modern Bulgarian. Currently, he works as a postdoc assistant at the Institute for Slavic Studies University of Innsbruck. He gained a PhD degree in Linguistics at the University of Zurich and in Philosophy at the University of Vienna. Mail: ivan.simko@uibk.;

  • SUBJECT: e-Scripta //