Ekaterina Todorova

Ekaterina Todorova is an Assist. Prof. at the Institute for Literature, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences. She holds a degree in Russian Philology from Sofia University St. Kliment Ohridski. Also, she holds a PhD degree on the topic “Saints Healers in the Hagiography of the Orthodox World” at the Centre for Slavo-Byzantine Studies ‘Prof. Ivan Dujčev’, Sofia University St. Kliment Ohridski. Her publications are in the field of Old Russian and Old Bulgarian literature. She is interested in hagiography, the history of medicine as well as non-verbal communication. The author is a member of the European Association of Biblical Studies (EABS) and the Society of Biblical Literature (SBL).

Institute for Literature BAS

The Cult of St. Tryphon and His Martyrdom in the South Slavonic Written Tradition

Екатерина Тодорова. Култът към св. Трифон и неговото Мъчение в южно­ славянската писмена традиция

  • Summary/Abstract

    The study examines the cult of the unmercenary Saint Tryphon. Attention is paid to his folklore veneration in Bulgaria and the specifics of his iconographic depiction. The emphasis is on the examination of his image, presented in the Martyrdom as attested in two Slavonic manuscripts from the 15th century housed in the Library of the Romanian Academy, Nos. 306 and 152. The characteristics of both manuscripts are also presented, as both texts are related to the Serbian language environment. The comparison of the two texts shows a complete coincidence in the narrative. The plotline of the narrative has classic features for this genre: introduction, main part, and a short conclusion. The main part of the narrativе stands out two semantic cores: the first is the expulsion of demons from the daughter of Emperor Gordian by Tryphon and the second is the verbal opposition between Aquilinus and the saint and the physical torture he is subjected to after each verbal struggle with his antagonist proving the strength of his spirit and the strength of the Christian faith.

Healing Practices Performed by St. Gregory of Agrigentum in his Vita by Leontius Scripta & e-Scripta vol. 21, 2021 floyd Fri, 11/19/2021 - 14:06
Лечебните практики, прилагани от св. Григорий Акрагантийски в неговото житие от Леонтий

Christian hagiographic literature chooses as its heroes’ people whose feeble flesh is in stark contrast to the greatness of the spirit. The saint is endowed with supernatural knowledge, works miracles, foretells, protects and heals people. The author discusses the healing practices in the Slavic translation of the Vita of St. Gregory of Agrigentum, as presented in a 15th-century copy of a Reading Menaion composed according to the Jerusalem typikon (Tărnovo type orthography, Moldavian provenance, kept in the Dragomirna monastery (Drag 706/1795), Romania). St. Gregory of Agrigentum is a senior clergyman and the goal of his healing skills is to show God’s grace and the power of Christian teaching from one side and the authority of his position as bishop from the other.

Subject: Philology Linguistics palaeoslavic studies Keywords: St. Gregory of Agrigentum healer Slavic translation of the Vita Tărnovo orthography
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