Old-Bulgarian language

Typological Characteristic of Genitive Case of Verb Governing in Old Bulgarian Language

Типологическая характеристика родительного падежа в древнеболгарском языке ввиду глагольного управления

  • Summary/Abstract

    In the article the typology of the genitive is analyzed in the Old-Bulgarian language through the characterization of two word classes – nouns and verbs. Studied are the binary oppositions in the use of the genitive – active nouns (denoting names of people and animals) and inactive nouns (denoting natural sites, phenomena, children and little animals, products of the human activity, etc.) and, respectively – active and inactive verbs. The conclusions are based on the thesis that predicative centers are the nouns of a certain type which have their own internal and external activity - a subject, or those which only have their own internal activity – a pseudo-subject. The formation of the semantic concepts is based on the image of a) activity (external or internal active action or state), b) inactivity (only internal action or state), c) separable-inseparable belonging and d) discretion-indiscretion. Under a detailed analysis are the grammatical determiners of the genitive and their variants. The connection between the semantics of the nouns and the respective forms of the genitive is studied. The verb control of the genitive of proved, as the cases of a genitive with different semantic groups of verbs (which mean deprivation; which mean emotional or psychic state of the subject; verbs with the negative particle –ne; transitive verbs; verbs formed are supin, etc.) are examined. The conclusion is that the genitive is a grammatical expression of pseudo-subjects and inseparably connected with them pseudo-objects.

The Infinitive in the "Life of Saint Anthony"

  • Summary/Abstract

    The use of the infinitive represents a significant peculiarity when studying the Old-Bulgarian language and especially the texts which were translated in the 9th-10th century. Of a great importance is the comparison of the infinitive constructions with the respective Greek texts. In the article for the first time are summarized the results of the study of the infinitive in the Life of saint Anthony the Great, written by Atanasius of Alexandria, translated into Old-Bulgarian in the 10th century. The translation is connected with the name of the Preslav scholar presbyter John. The purpose of the study is to establish the syntactic role and the structural peculiarities of the infinitive forms towards the Greek original, as well as to compare possible alternative forms of expression. Examined are the cases of a dependent (dynamic and declarative) and an independent infinitive. The research is part of a dissertation work on the syntax of the vitas of St. Anthony, St. John Chrysostom, St. Nifont Constansky and St. Theodor Studit, translated in the time of the First Bulgarian state.

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