Slovo: Towards a Digital Library of South Slavic Manuscripts Research Cooperation and Networking between Austria and South-Eastern Europe

- Author(s): Anissava Miltenova Elena Tomova
- Subject(s): Language and Literature Studies // Research project // Mediaeval studies //
Published by: Institute for Literature BAS
- Print ISSN: 1312-238X
- Summary/Abstract:
Project (2007-2008), funded by the Austrian ministry of science in the 7FP, united scientists from Austria, Slovenia, Serbia, Macedonia and Bulgaria. Coordination of the project is concentrated in the Department of Old Bulgarian Literature of the Institute of Literature, BAS. Participants from five countries have established operational network between research institutions and libraries aimed at studying the Balkan monastery culture and presentation of South Slavic culture and literature in comparative perspective. During the project (February 2008) training is implemented in the use of international standards for description and analysis of the written heritage (principles and methods, terminology, etc.) Results: 1). Establishing a common platform for electronic publications in Cyrillic and Glagolitic alphabet (Unicode 5.1); 2). Supporting an international conference with participants from 10 countries; 3). The most important result of the project was the creation of experimental electronic portal on the Internet for medieval written culture in the Balkans ( ). The project created an initial basis for collaboration and for further development of study, conservation and exhibition of Slavic heritage in digital libraries.
Journal: Scripta & e-Scripta vol 6, 2008
Page Range: 9-22
No. of Pages: 14
Language: English - LINK CEEOL:
Anissava MiltenovaBulgariaProf., Dsc. Institute for Literature, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Sofia, BulgariaDescription
Anissava Miltenova is Professor, Dr. Habil. and Chair of the Department of Old Bulgarian Literature in the Institute of literature, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences. Recent and current research areas: text transmission in the Slavia Orthodoxa; typology of the macrostructure of Medieval Slavic Miscellanies; florilegia; apocrypha, Repertorium of the Balkan Cyrillic Manuscripts (encoding with computer tools). Since 1994 she coordinated several projects on computer processing of medieval Slavic manuscripts (joint with Pittsburgh University, USA; University of Gothenburg, Sweden; British Library, London, England; Institute of Russian language, Moscow, etc.).
Elena TomovaAssoc. Prof., PhD Institute for Literature, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Sofia, BulgariaDescriptionЕлена Томова закончила докторантуру на Филологическом факультете МГУ им. М. В. Ломоносова и защитила диссертацию на тему „Жития основателей монастырей св. Иоанна Рыльского, св. Феодосия Печерского, св. Стефана Немани и их связь с фольклором” (1977). С 1978 работает в Институте литературы БАН, в Секторе древнеболгарской литературы. Гл. ассистент (1977–1994), доцент (1994–2015), литературный сотрудник (с 2015) Научные интересы: культ болгарских святых в славянской книжности XIV–XVII вв., болгарско-русские средневековые литературные связи, компьютерная обработка кириллических рукописей.