Liubov Kurysheva

Liubov Kurysheva, Ph.D. (Philology), is a Leading Researcher at the Institute of Philology of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences. Her main fields of interest are Russian literature of the 18th century, handwritten fiction, Russian-European literary connections; Research grants supported by Russian scientific foundations: “An Introduction to the Scientific Circulation of the Newly Found Manuscript Fiction of the 18th сentury (A.I. Shlyapkin’s, P.M. Maltsev’s, and A.A. Titov’s Collections)” (RFBR, 2016-2018); “Russian Handwritten Retellings of the Ariosto’s Orlando Furioso in the 18th Century: A Textological Study of the Story of Alfonze Ramir” (RFH, 2008-2011).

Institute of Philology of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences
A Bilingual Digital Edition of La Belle et la Bête and its Russian Translation by Kh. Demidova Scripta & e-Scripta vol. 21, 2021 floyd Fri, 11/19/2021 - 19:05
Двуезичното дигитално издание на La Belle et la Bête и неговият руски превод от Х. Демидова
This paper presents a digital edition of the manuscript of the first Russian translation of Leprince de Beaumont’s The Beauty and the Beast fairy tale (1756), aligned to its French original. The translation was made in 1758 by a twelve year-old girl, Khionia Demidova (1746-1792), and dedicated to her elder brother. Its original manuscript is conserved at the scientific library of Saratov State University (no. 456). This document is interesting from several points of view: the “naive” translation made by a young girl allows us to understand how the French literature was perceived in the 18th century Russia, what aspects of the French language and socio-cultural phenomena of the Western Europe were difficult to understand, and how the socio-cultural phenomena of the Western Europe were perceived. The peculiarities of Khionia’s spelling and punctuation provide data on her knowledge of Russian grammar and orthography. The digital edition includes a multi-layer transcription of the source document aligned with a digital fac-simile and the original French text. It is published online on the TXM-IHRIM web portal ( The workflow of the edition Microsoft Word, Oxgarage and TXM may be reused for similar editions and text corpora. Subject: Digital humanities Keywords: digital editing TXM Russian literature of the 18th century Russian-French literary contacts
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