Evelina Mineva

Evelina Mineva – кандидат филологических наук, лектор по византийской и средневековой южнославянской литературе Kафедры русского языка и филологии и славистики Афинского Национального университета им. Каподистрии. Специалист в области поздневизантийской и славянской литературы и палеографии, в частности – критики текста, влияния византийской гимнографии и агиографии и византийской книжной культуры на славянскую; исследования образа Византии и знаний о ней в южнославянском мире. Автор нескольких монографий и изданий византийских и средневековых славянских текстов.

Lecturer, PhD National & Kapodistrian University of Athens, Greece
Неизвестный кодекс XVI в. в Палеографическом архиве Национального банка Греции1 Scripta & e-Scripta vol. 20, 2020 floyd Mon, 09/07/2020 - 09:52
Неизвестен ръкопис от XVI в. от Палеографския архив на Националната банка на Гърция

The paper presents an hitherto unknown Slavic codex from the 16th century, which is preserved today under the signature No. MIET 64 in the Paleographical Archive of the National Bank of Greece. This paper codex represents a convolute consisting of two parts, which can be distinguished mainly relying on the different old pagination of the quires (‘tetradia’). They contain hymnographic works and liturgical texts. In an inscription on f. 70v the scribe gives his name as “Diak Ioan” and indicates the date of the copy (1549). Because of this and of certain palaeographical features we propose that the second MS is the work of the well-known copyist Ioan Kratovski. His scribal activity lasted from 1526 to 1583. This MS thus belonged to the earlier period of his career. As the copyist mentions, the first part of the manuscript was produced for a monastery named after the St Archangel Michael and since the two parts of the second MS contain texts devoted to this Archangel, it seems likely that this MS was produced for the Archangel Michael monastery in Lesnovo. It is located near the town of Kratovo, to which it had close connections especially in the 15th and 16th century. The first part, ff. 1–30, was created by an unknown copyist in the first half of the 16th century, as can be inferred from the characteristics of the style of the script and from the watermark ‘crossbow ‘ (closest type in Briquet, No. 748, year 1505).

Неизвестен ръкопис от XVI в. от Палеографския архив на Националната банка на Гърция
Мария Йовчева
(Софийски университет „Св. Климент Охридски“, България)
Евелина Минева
(Национален и Каподистрийски университет в Атина, Гърция)

Статията въвежда в научно обращение неизвестен славянски кодекс от ХVІ в., който се съхранява днес в Палеографския архив на Националната банка на Гърция, № MIET 64. Написан е на хартия и е конволут: състои се от два различни ръкописа, които съдържат химнографски произведения и богослужебни текстове. Въз основа на приписката на л. 70v, където стои името „дяк Йоан“ и датата 1549 г., както и поради характеристиките на писмото, се предлага хипотезата, че вторият ръкопис е дело на известния преписвач Йоан Кратовски. Неговата писаческа дейност е продължила от 1526 г. до 1583 г. и така този кодекс принадлежи към по-ранния период от творчеството му. Както се споменава в бележката на преписвача, първата част от ръкописа е предназначена за манастир, наречен „Св. Архангел“. Най-вероятно става въпрос за посветения на св. архангел Михаил Лесновски манастир, който се намира в близост до град Кратово и е имал тесни връзки с града, особено през ХV и ХVІ в. Първият ръкопис – до л. 30, е създаден от неизвестен преписвач през първата или втората четвърт на ХVІ в., както може да се съди от характеристиките на писмото и от съдържанието, но и от водния знак „арбалет“ (най-близкият тип в Briquet, № 748 от 1505 г.).

Subject: Language and Literature Studies Language studies Studies of Literature Philology Theory of Literature Keywords: Slavic MS MIET 64 Ioan Kratovski St Archangel Michael

Problems of the Critical Edition of Byzantine and Slavonic Services

  • Summary/Abstract

    This paper presents the author’s personal views on the problems of critical editions of Byzantine and Old Slavonic services. The most significant problem of all relates to the nature and structure of these works. Their form is subject to constant change, because every component of the Orthodox service can easily be changed, removed or added. Moreover, the Slavonic texts present language-related problems which are largely absent from the Byzantine texts: the less imposition of the classical linguistic norm, which results in too many variations and the infiltration of elements from the Mediaeval idioms and, later, from the languages of the Slavic peoples into which the works were rendered; the well-documented differences in rhythm and stress introduced during the process of translating Byzantine texts into Old Slavonic. All the above formulated renders the classic concept of a critical edition inapplicable in the case of Mediaeval Orthodox services. The critical edition of these texts can seek only to restore the ancient core of a service and the older texts that are included in all its known variations. In the same time the edition’s aim should be to present a text that is readable and comprehensible in contemporary terms, and which is readily accessible to a readership beyond specialists in its specific period and subject. Less serious difficulties, related to the critical editions of the services, are: the multitude of copies of even a single service, coupled with the fact that many of these copies are to be found in collections which remain inaccessible, the lack of an all-embracing study of the history, the structure and evolution of the canon as a literary genre, and as far as the Old Slavonic texts are concerned, the lack of certain basic instrumenta studiorum.

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