Axinia Dz ̌urova

Prof. Axinia Džurova is a leading specialist in the field of Slavic paleography and codicology and a world-renowned authority in the study of the illumination of medieval Greek and Slavic manuscripts. In a number of her studies she traces the close connection between the Byzantine codex and its Slavic replicas, examines the codicological characteristics of the Glagolitic and Cyrillic codices in view of their typology and their connection with the minuscule and uncial Greek patterns. She participates in the preparation of catalogues of manuscripts from hard-to-reach and unknown collections, publishes a number of valuable samples of the decoration of the medieval manuscript book.

(Център за славяно-византийски проучвания „Проф. Иван Дуйчев“, София, България

(Traces of the Eusebius’ Canonical Tables in Medieval Slavonic Manuscripts of the Four Gospels – Preliminary Notes)

Се ѹбо поѱаннымъ канонѡⷨ скаꙁанїе стаже мъ повѣсть с есть ... (Следите на Евсевиевите канонични таблици в славянски четириевангелия – предварителни бележки)

  • Summary/Abstract

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