Veneta Savova

Assist. Prof., PhD Sofia St Kliment Okhridski University, Bulgaria

Iskra Hristova-Shomova. Dragotin Menaion: A Bulgarian Manuscript from the Beginning of the 12th Century. Sofia: St. Kliment Ohridski University Press, 2018, 752 pp.

A Newly Discovered Hymnographic Work of St. Clement of Oxrid

  • Summary/Abstract

    The paper introduces an unknown work by Clement of Ohrid devoted to St Alexis of Rome included in the Slavic Festal Menaion ) 25, 14th c., from the collection of Monastery At Catherine, Mount Sinai (Sin. Slav. 25). The Sinai copy of the Office of St Alexis contains three stichera in mode 1 and a troparion in mode 8 in the Vesper part of the office, and a kanon in mode 8 for the Orthros. The kanon contains the name of Clement into acrostic КЛИМ.

    Subject: Literary Texts

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