On the Interpretation of the Liturgy from the South Slavic Manuscripts RGADA 88 and Bogišić 52
За Тълкувание на литургията в южнославянските ръкописи РГАДА 88 и Богишич 52

- Author(s): Tatyana Ilieva
- Subject(s): Philology // Linguistics // palaeoslavic studies //
Published by: Institute for Literature BAS
- Print ISSN: 1312-238X
- Summary/Abstract:
The focus of this report is the still-unexplored Interpretation of Orthodox liturgy, attested in two copies: first in manuscript No. 88 from the collection of Obolensky (201), State Archive of Russian Federation (Moscow), the second in manuscript No 52 of 1567, from the Archive of Baltazar Bogisić in Cavtat. The two manuscripts contain proven original works of Constantine of Kostenets (1380–1431). The author analyzes the structure and content of the interpretation and comments on it as a source for the history of Liturgy – from the point of view of the data concerning the liturgical features described in it. It can be concluded that the basis of texts in MS No 88 and MS Bogishić 52 is a late composition of Byzantine mystagogy, which, in turn, means that the time of implementation of the South Slavic translation should be dated no earlier than the end of the 12th century. This is one of the many short epitomes created during the Second Bulgarian Kingdom as a result of the secondary reduction of the original extensive commentary. A detailed investigation and the text-critical edition will be forthcoming.
Journal: Scripta & e-Scripta vol. 21, 2021
Page Range: 317-328
No. of Pages: 12
Language: Russian - LINK CEEOL:
Tatyana IlievaAssoc. Prof., PhD Cyrillo-Methodian Research Centre, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Sofia, BulgariaDescription
Татьяна Илиева окончила Софийский университет им. св. Климента Охридского со степенью магистра класической филологии и болгарской филологии (1989) и богословия (1995). В 2006 году защитила диссертацию на тему „Богословская терминология в переводе Иоанна Экзарха Небеса (De fide orthodoxa)“. Соавтор издания “Книга пророка Иезекииля с толкованиями” (2003) и автор древнеболгар- ского-греческого словоуказателя к этого перевода (2013). Работает как доцент в Кирилло-Мефодиевском научном центре при Болгар- ской академии наук. Научные интересы в области средневековой славянской книжности и, в частности, рецепции византийской литературы и богословия среди балканских славян, язык переводов и двуязычные словари.
KEYWORDS: Interpretation of Liturgy // Byzantine mistagogy // short epitomes // South Slavic translation // Constantine of Kostenets //