Elena Uzunova

Assoc. Prof., PhD SS Cyril and Methodius National Library, Sofia, Bulgaria

Водени знаци хиландарских српских рукописа XIV–XV века [Watermarks of the Hilandar Serbian Manuscripts of the Fourteenth and Fifteenth Centuries]...

Watermarks of the Hilandar Serbian Manuscripts of the Fourteenth and Fifteenth CenturiesBelgrade, 2007, 543 pp. and Watermarks of the ...

  • Summary/Abstract

    Reviews / Водени знаци хиландарских српских рукописа XIV–XV века [Watermarks of the Hilandar Serbian Manuscripts of the Fourteenth and Fifteenth Centuries]. Belgrade, 2007, 543 pp. and Водени знаци хиландарских српских рукописа XVI века [Watermarks of the Sixteenth-Century Hilandar Serbian Manuscripts]. Belgrade, 2010, 302 pp.

    Subject: Literary Texts

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