
“Most Fitting Testimonies”. The Dioptra’s Paratexts Scripta & e-Scripta vol. 22, 2022 floyd Tue, 08/16/2022 - 18:58
Ирини Афентулиду. „Най-подходящите свидетелства“. Паратекстовете на Диоптра

The Dioptra, a work consisting of over 7000 political verses in form of a dialogue between the body and the soul, as well as prose paratexts, heavily borrows from other texts. Whereas the sources paraphrased in the verses often go unacknowledged, other prose excerpts, mostly patristic but sometimes scriptural, are quoted verbatim and attributed to their respective authors. These paratexts are marginal scholia, texts inserted in the verse parts, and appendices. They are related to aspects of the verse parts, either by supporting an argument, by elaborating on details of the text, or by elucidating an argument from a different angle. The fictional setting of the dialogue functions as a frame, holding together the numerous sources, organising them in questions and answers that prompt more questions, and commenting upon them.

Subject: Scripta Medieval Studies Linguistic History of Literature Keywords: Byzantine Poetry Dialogue Dioptra Florilegia Paraphrases Patristic Literature Paratexts Philippos Monotropos

Wege zur verbesserten automatischen Annotation des mittelbulgarischen Kirchenslawischen

Фабио Майо. Начини за подобряване на автоматичните анотации на средно­ български църковнославянски текстове

  • Summary/Abstract

    The last decade has brought an upswing in research on natural language processing. However, it is well known that historical language stages are largely underrepresented. Middle Bulgarian Church Slavonic, a language variety with a significant literary productivity, is a prime example. In the current paper, it is shown how annotated texts of related language varieties can be used to annotate texts written in Middle Bulgarian Church Slavonic, such as the 14th-century translation of the Dioptra. In particular, I present a way of adapting the available training data and of reducing the differences between training and test data, thereby improving the result of the automatic morphological annotation. Moreover, it is demonstrated that a comparison with the original work, written in Byzantine Greek, can further increase the results of the annotation by carefully disambiguating homonymous word forms. The presented results can benefit research on Middle Bulgarian Church Slavonic as it shows how texts in this variety can be annotated without authentic training data. The proposed method may be of use not only for Slavonic Studies, however. The method of using training data from genetically related language varieties in combination with translations may be used to annotate other underrepresented language varieties as well.

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