Dechany monastery

Сколько Дечанских евангелий в собрании Гильфердинга? Scripta & e-Scripta vol. 8-9, 2010 floyd Sun, 12/26/2010 - 10:02
How Many Dechany Gospels Has Been Received in the Gilferding’s Collection?

In the article are presented three South Slavic manuscripts from the Gilferding’s collection located in the Manuscript section of Russian National Library in Saint Petersburg. Two of them really are Gospels – Gilf. 1 (Serbian, from 1284.) and Gilf. 4 (Bulgarian, from the second half of 13th c.), and the third Gilf. 32 is the Gospel Homily’s from the Bulgarian bishop Konstantin of Preslav. The Gilferding’s ex libris is stamped on the inner side of the all three manuscripts and an indication is written that they are brought in 1857 from the Dechany monastery (Old Serbia). The comparison of the data from the three manuscripts gives us a clearer description of the South Slavic 13th century.

Subject: Literary Texts Gilferding’s collection South Slavic manuscripts Dechany monastery
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