Quinn Dombrowski

Quinn Dombrowski has a BA/MA in Slavic Linguistics from the University of Chicago, and an MLIS from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. Prior to coming to Stanford in 2018, she worked in central IT at UC Berkeley and the University of Chicago, supporting digital humanities infrastructure. As an Academic Technology Specialist at Stanford, she has supported numerous non-English DH projects, taught courses on non-English DH, co-led a Russian DH working group. Dombrowski is currently co-VP of the Association for Computers and the Humanities (a US-based professional organization for digital humanities, and a member of the Alliance of Digital Humanities Organizations) and advocates for better support for DH in languages other than English.

Slavic Linguistics from the University of Chicago

From Annotation to Modeling: Computational Horizons for Medieval Slavic Studies.

От анотиране към моделиране: компютърни хоризонти за славистичната медиевистика

  • Summary/Abstract

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