Meta-Terms of the Euthalian Apparatus in Old Church Slavonic Acts and Epistles Manuscripts from the 12th– 16th centuries

Maria Novak. Перевод метатерминологии аппарата Евфалия в древнеславянских списках Апостола XII–XVI веков

  • Author(s):
  • Subject(s): Philology // Linguistics // palaeoslavic studies //
  • Published by: Institute for Literature BAS
  • Print ISSN: 1312-238X
  • Summary/Abstract:

    The article focuses on Old Slavonic versions of Euthalian chapter-lists to Acts and Epistles considering meta-communicative terms, such as παραίνεσις or προοίμιον. The author aims to evaluate the level of accuracy of Slavonic translations and their exegetical potential, which makes the content of the main text of Acts and Epistles clear. The analysis reveals two tendencies prevailing in Slavonic sources from the 12th–16th centuries: first, there are phenomena of lexical variability, as results of applying various translation strategies, more or less successful in terms of the accuracy and clarity of the resulting text (calques, periphrastic constructions, and text expansion). Second, there is a tendency towards unification, suggesting a universal Slavonic term for several Greek correlates. Authoritative dictionaries, including academic ones, do not record some lexemes. There is no dependence of the chapter-lists lexicon on the main text vocabulary.

  • Page Range: 303-316
    No. of Pages: 14
    Language: Russian
    Year: 2021
    Issue No:: Scripta & e-Scripta vol. 21, 2021

    Submitted on:

  • Maria Novak

    Институ русского языка им. В.В. Виноградова

    Мария Олеговна Новак, доктор филологических наук, ведущий научный сотрудник Института русского языка им. В.В. Виноградова Российской академии наук; специализация: история русского язы- ка; научные интересы: история русского языка, церковнославянский язык, переводная древнеславянская книжность, история лексики славянских языков, текстология, языковые контакты.