Catherine Mary MacRobert at 70
Катрин Мери МакРобърт на 70 години

- Author(s): Elissaveta Moussakova Dilyana Radoslavova
- Subject(s): Personalia // Anniversary //
Published by: Institute for Literature BAS
- Print ISSN: 1312-238X
- Summary/Abstract:
Catherine Mary MacRobert, M.A., D.Phil., formerly University Lecturer in Russian Philology and Comparative Slavonic Philology at the University of Oxford, is presently Emeritus Fellow of Lady Margaret Hall, and Senior Research Fellow at Somerville College. Her main research interests have been in the history of mediaeval Slavonic translations from Greek and comparative grammar. A great deal of her work is devoted to the textual tradition of the mediaeval Slavonic Psalter. It would be not an exaggeration to say that nowadays she must be esteemed as one of the best experts on the subject.
Journal: Scripta & e-Scripta vol. 21, 2021
Page Range: 357-359
No. of Pages: 3
Language: English - LINK CEEOL:
Elissaveta MoussakovaProf., PhD Institute of Art Studies, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Sofia, BulgariaDilyana RadoslavovaInstitute for Literature, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Sofia, BulgariaDescription
Dilyana Radoslavova, currently a Senior Assistant Professor at the Department of Old Bulgarian Literature, Institute of Literature, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences. She has a MA degree in Bulgarian Philology (St Kliment Ohridski University of Sofia, 1995) and a PhD degree in Bulgarian literature (Institute of Literature, BAS, 2010). She specialises in the fields of the history of the Mediaeval Slavonic letters, Cyrillic palaeography and codicology, and creating electronic resources in palaeoslavistics. She is a co-compiler of Cyrillic Books Printed before 1701 in British and Irish Collections: A Union Catalogue. London, 2000 (with R. M. Cleminson, C. G. Thomson, and V. A. Voznesenskij) and an author of 17th-century Bulgarian Letters: Centers, Scribes, Repertoire (Studia Mediaevalia Slavica et Byzantina 6). Sofia, 2020.
SUBJECT: Personalia // Anniversary //KEYWORDS: Catherine Mary MacRobert //