A New Source for Studying the Symeonic Zlatostruy Collection (An Unknown Selection of Chrysostomian Homilies in MS Voskr. 115-bum.)

- Author(s): Yavor Miltenov
- Subject(s): Literary Texts // Zlatostruy collection // MS Voskr. 11514th c. // State Historical Museum (Moscow) // 14th c. // Hilandar monastery // Preservation of ancient protographs //
Published by: Institute for Literature BAS
- Print ISSN: 1312-238X
- Summary/Abstract:
MS Voskr. 115-bum., kept in GIM-Moscow (V), originates from the Hilandar monastery – it was written by the well-known scribe Damian, who worked there in ca. 1340–1380. The manuscript consists of 27 Chrysostomian and Pseudo-Chrysostomian homilies (1r–129v) and a miscellany, which contains unedited and unstudied copies of works of Preslav provenance (130r–247v). The aim of the present paper is to describe the Chrysostomian collection in V, that has not been a subject of detailed research so far, and to examine its relations with the longer and shorter collections of the Zlatostruy (Chrysorrhoas) corpus. The comparative textual analysis has shown, that none of these is the source of V and most probably it is an independent selection from the original Simeonic Chrysorrhoas.
Journal: Scripta & e-Scripta vol. 8-9, 2010
Page Range: 387-404
No. of Pages: 18
Language: English - LINK CEEOL: https://www.ceeol.com/search/article-detail?id=213500
Yavor MiltenovInstitute for Bulgarian LanguageDescription
Assoc. Prof., PhD Institute for Bulgarian Language, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Sofia, Bulgaria
SUBJECT: Literary Texts // Zlatostruy collection // MS Voskr. 11514th c. // State Historical Museum (Moscow) // 14th c. // Hilandar monastery // Preservation of ancient protographs //KEYWORDS: